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12 Tammuz, 5784 - July 18, 2024 | Mordecai Plaut, director | Vayishlach - 5782 Published Weekly
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The Instructions of HaRav Dov Lando shlita to Bnei Yeshiva

The Israeli High Court, backed up by the Attorney General, issued an order to draft all yeshiva students who have been deferred from service since the founding of the State of Israel. The first notices from the IDF to yeshiva students are scheduled to be sent out next week, starting Tammuz 15. HaRav Dov Lando issued a letter guiding yeshiva students on how to respond.

In his penetrating letter, HaRav Dov Lando wrote: "Directive to yeshiva students: Do not go to the Draft Board [under any circumstances] or react to any summons therein. Not even to a preliminary call."

This order does not cease to reverberate. ...




A Quarter of All Canadians Doubt the Facts of the Holocaust

A study carried out by the Association for Canadian Studies revealed disconcerting facts about Holocaust denial in Canada. It indicates a worrying trend primarily amongst the younger generation which doubts historic facts of the Holocaust.

The central facts of the survey show that 31% of Canadians between the ages of 25-34 cast doubts about the six million figure of Jews killed in WWII. Of the younger bracket of 18-24, 27% doubt the veracity of the number of victims.




The Legacy of Reb Yeruchom, zt'l

Part III

These essays were originally published in 1996, 28 years ago.

The Last Shared Burden

During the winter of 5696 (1935-6), a proposal to ban shechita was debated by the Sejm, the Polish parliament. Reb Yeruchom suffered great anguish from this antisemitic threat, which he interpreted as a decree from Heaven to strip Klal Yisroel of the mitzvos that confer kedusha upon us. The danger never left his mind during the weeks that the debate lasted. He followed its progress literally from one hour to the next.

In the yeshiva, Reb Yeruchom instituted the saying of Tehillim and Ovinu Malkeinu, explaining that a threat of such magnitude made it imperative to do teshuva. The urgency of the hour did not fall short of the Aseres Yemei Teshuva. The extent to which Reb Yeruchom cleaved to Torah and mitzvos became apparent as his health began to suffer under the burden of the distress he bore.

When he began to feel unwell, it was clear to all that he had literally worried himself sick over the threat to Klal Yisroel and to mitzva observance. Though his situation grew worse, doctors were unable to identify the nature of his illness. ...




The Investigation on Kibbutz Be'eri Had an Ulterior Motive

The report publicized last week about the events at Kibbutz Be'eri on that bitter day when war erupted, did not reveal anything new. Surely not to the kibbutz members who experienced the events of that horrific day, nor to the citizens of the entire country who were exposed to terrible stories that took place in the nine following months. The reason the first inquiry made at all focused only on Be'eri had one purpose: to lay the way for the continued advancement of Colonel Barak Hiram whose future promotion is in the interest of the General Staff. After all, he does not wear a kipah and does not go under the name of Ofer Winter, a religious senior officer who was recently released from the army.

A heavy cloud hovered over Hiram's head involving the forces under his command at the kibbutz. Hiram only made his appearance after several hours of murderous terrorists freely circulating throughout the kibbutz, already holding fourteen hostages in the house called 'the home of Pessy Cohen'.

Reports describing the event say that Hiram issued orders to one of the tanks under his command to shoot four shells at the house. The inevitable result was the death of twelve of the hostages, with only two in the bloody house remaining alive. The question which hovered in the air was if he could have negotiated with the terrorists for a release. ...




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Outstanding Articles From Our Archives

Opinion & Comment
The Task of a Jewish Mother

A letter from HaRav Shimshon Pincus, zt'l

A letter from HaRav Shimshon Pincus, zt'l written in response to a series of articles in which parents complained about the difficulty of hosting married children who visited them.

Dear Parent,

I am writing with regard to the articles that appeared in the paper, on the topic of hosting married children in their parents' home for Shabbos, chagim, and the like. I wish to bring our readers' attention to a very important point and explain what I understand to be a basic problem, and even a fundamental error in hashkofoh. I am not referring to any specific personal incidents. Rather my remarks are meant to address the Torah's perspective.

In principle, what is the Jewish woman's role? It is well known that husband and wife are partners and each one has a defined role in the partnership. It is written: "A man was born to toil," and our Sages interpreted this to teach that man was born for toil in the Torah. There is a posuk that defines this toil clearly: "And you shall meditate in it day and night" (Yehoshua 1:8).


Make a Lot of Laughter Among the Jewish People!-- A Chareidi Approach to Mental Health

by David Gross

The great gaon HaRav Arye Leib Shteinman once told me: "Mental sickness is a lot harder than physical sickness," relates Rav Mordechai Pindrus, head of the organization Misgav in Eretz Yisroel. Part of the difficulty lies in the lack of accessibility to the proper treatment-especially among the chareidi population. This sad state of affairs can cause neglect, lack of proper treatment, and deterioration. In an interview with Rabbi Pindrus we attempted to examine a number of perspectives in the area of mental health which relate to the Torah observant community.

In a small advertisement that was recently published on a regular basis in the chareidi newspapers, the following was offered: "A telephone reply service to coordinate a professional, experienced mental health counselor under the guidance of the gedolim." We telephoned the number, 02- 580-8008, and an amiable man by the name of Motty identified himself at the other end of the line. We asked if we could set up a meeting.

That amiable person, Motty, was none other than Rabbi Mordechai Pindrus from Beitar, who in recent years has made tremendous efforts in the field of chinuch. Pindrus has nurtured hundreds of young people in the chareidi community. Countless families owe him a debt of gratitude for all he has done for their sons under the auspices of various organizations. Today, he is investing all of his energies into the area of mental health.

Rabbi Pindrus arrived at the meeting with a simple Ovos Uvonim briefcase and went straight to the point of our meeting. External niceties are rather foreign to him, although when the need arises he evidently knows how to make use of their charms. He opens the briefcase, I cannot resist a peek inside-perhaps because the subject of mental health has been portrayed as something so mysterious . . .


These links were fixed, Tammuz 5781