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This Google Custom Search looks only in this website. Discrimination Against Chareidim is Legal in Israel
According to Wikipedia, "Israel has broad anti-discrimination laws that prohibit discrimination by both government and non-government entities on the basis of race, religion, and political beliefs, and prohibits incitement to racism... racism in Israel refers to racism directed against Israeli Arabs by Israeli Jews, intra-Jewish racism between the various Jewish ethnic divisions (in particular against Ethiopian Jews), historic and current racism towards Mizrachi Jews, and racism on the part of Israeli Arabs against Israeli Jews."
However chareidi Jews are not recognized as a group that may not be discriminated against, and there is a lot of anti-chareidi discrimination.
"To our regret, discrimination against chareidim which is expressed in damage to property, alongside racism which is legally considered as crimes of speech, have become very commonplace," says Shai Glick, director of the Betzalmo Organization for Human Rights, going back a bit in time. "In the years of Corona, discrimination and racism expressed themselves more blatantly, both having become a national scourge. It was especially sharp when a great majority of complaints were reported to the Unit for the Fight Against Racism in the Ministry of Justice, of which 56% came from chareidim who were attacked on racist grounds and filed their complaints as a result of our public campaign telling them to report such incidents to us."
Orthodox Jews have been the target of more than a dozen misleading and one-sided portrayals of their community in the pages of The New York Times for the last four months.
It has become abundantly that Orthodox Jews must respond to protect their physical security and to depict Orthodox Jews without a jaundiced eye.
That's why advocates have launched KnowUs: an initiative to combat negative stereotypes advanced by The New York Times and others and to provide an inside look into the lives of Orthodox Jews. KnowUs just erected three prominent Midtown Manhattan billboards, kicking off the campaign. Already garnering attention, the billboards direct viewers to KnowUs.org, a growing informational website, buttressed by a digital campaign.
The first decision which the new Treasury Minister made dealt with the Lieberman decrees: taxation of disposables and sweet drinks. As expected, environmentalists were up in arms against the disposable rescinding, while health faddists protested again the repeal of the tax on sweet drinks. Minister Smotrich is not one to be alarmed by such hues and cries, besides which this issue is a very part of the coalition agreement which encompassed all of the members. Thus, very soon, the announcement to abolish these two taxes will go into effect, having been the opening shot against the wave of rising prices in the economy.
Let us make some order: the subject of disposables, as the rise in the price of sugar, is not of Israeli origin.
The sixth yahrtzeit of HaRav Moshe Shapira was on 10 Teves.
The Musaf Shabbos Kodesh spoke with important personalities who had known HaRav Moshe Shapira during his lifetime, and recorded their remarks. We are not capable of truly being maspid him as he deserves, but we have to do our best.
HaRav Boruch Dov Povarsky shlita, rosh yeshivas Ponovezh
Rain and Kinneret Watch by Dei'ah Vedibur
Our weekly report of the rain and the level of the Kineret -
Winter, 5783.
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Outstanding Articles From Our Archives
The Shidduch: based on a true story
by Risa Rotman
Racheli came into the apartment, dropped her purse by the door and then dropped herself into the old wicker rocking chair. After a rock or two, she called out to her two roommates shmoozing at the back of the apartment.
"I'm back..." She let her words hang in the air. She knew they would be in their shared living room within seconds.
"What? When...?" The girls came running out. Judy and Esther plopped themselves down on the lumpy couch and took up their positions to hear how Racheli's latest date had gone. One look at her face and they knew it had been a success. It had been her second date with David and it definitely looked like they were heading in the right direction.
"Obviously, you had a great time," Judy noted. "I can see the stars in your eyes."
"I'll say," Esther looked Racheli over approvingly. "Nu, tell us where you went, what he said, what you said... You know."
by Yated Ne'eman Staff
Of the Dubno Maggid, HaRav Yaakov Kranz, it can truly be said, divreihim heim heim zichronom. Even though only sketchy details are known of his life, his teachings have come down to us in much richer portions, and through them we remember him well.
R' Yaakov Kranz was born in the town of Zetil, located in the area of Vilna, sometime around 1740 (5700). His father was a rov and he learned with him in his youth.
It is not known exactly when HaRav Yaakov first studied under the Gra, but it is reasonable to suppose that it was during his first eighteen years when he lived near Vilna in the town of his birth.
The Kranz family as a whole was close to the Gaon. HaRav Chaim of Cheraya, who was one of the early talmidim of the Gra, was an uncle of the Maggid. His brother HaRav Simchah, later the rov of Ragoler, was one of those who was very close to the Gra, one of the "meshamshei vetalmidei haGra," according to the author of the Dikdukei Sofrim according to a manuscript that was seen by Rav Dov Eliach.