Deiah veDibur - Information &

A Window into the Chareidi World

26 Sivan, 5783 - June 15, 2023 | Mordecai Plaut, director | Vayishlach - 5782 Published Weekly
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HaRav Dov Lando Returns from America

This past Monday morning (23 Sivan/June 12), HaRav Dov Lando landed back in Eretz Yisroel after an intensive journey to America to boost the spirits of Torah students, single and married, who have devoted their lives to pure study, shaking off the many preoccupations of ordinary people. HaRav Lando packed in a full week of shiurim and talks to encourage Jewish communities as well.

At the end of this full week, a helicopter took him directly to a private airport and a plane which would take him home after they davened Mincha.

Before departure, HaRav Lando said to those who had accompanied him on his travels in America, "And return to his usual study..." This was the parting word for his excursion.




What Could be Wrong with Watermelon?

It is known that many fruits and vegetables that are grown today are hybrids, crossed or halachically termed as kilayim, some of them prohibited from the Torah. Modern agriculture has found that many plants grow better when a viable branch is grafted on a base from another species.

This is true of almost all fruits. Almost all of the fruit trees sold in nurseries today are halachically prohibited hybrids. For example, an apricot tree may be grafted onto an almond base. Religious researchers have found that sometimes one can achieve good results using a base from the same species, which is permitted.

This is also a problem with some non-trees such as watermelon.




Life in the Prewar Novardok Yeshiva System: An Interview With HaRav Chaim Zeitchik zt'l

This very interesting interview with a genuine talmid of Novardok yeshiva was first published thirty years ago.

Part 2 What message did Novardok spread? Mesiras nefesh? To disdain everything worldly? Constant seeking?

In this interview, HaRav Chaim Zeitchik zt'l, who was a talmid of Novardok yeshivos, describes his youth, the conditions under which he and many others learned and the levels they reached despite—and perhaps because of—their circumstances. In reliving his early years, he paints a picture for us of an era that was savagely cut off and a of world that has ceased to exist. HaRav Zeitchik is also author of Sparks of Mussar, English translation published by Feldheim.

The first part described the bare and impoverished conditions under which yeshiva bochurim lived in those days. Part of the regular plan necessitated going several days a week without food. At the end HaRav Zeitchik described what really set Novardok apart, known as hefkeirus. Going ahead towards a good goal without any plan, but relying on Hashem's mercy.




It is Anarchy, not Democracy

The anarchistic gang of the Left have crossed all boundaries. If this was a normal country with a rule of law and order, a decent police force and a legal advocacy, quite a few of them would already behind bars. It is absurd that elected public officials are unable to circulate freely without being physically attacked by members of that gang. It is incredulous that they cannot arrive in public places to speak their piece without being brutally attacked with abuse taken from the lowest gutters of Jew haters of all time.

Minister Yisrael Katz, who participated in a gathering commemorating 100 years since electricity was first installed in Tel Aviv, was confronted by such a group of hooligans which shouted defaming slurs at him which we will not stoop so low as to repeat. They also spit at him. Special forces had to be employed to protect the minister and rescue him before the demonstrators actually laid hands on him.

This joins a similar attack experienced by MK Simcha Rothman, and of Minister Barkat, whose bodyguards truly saved him from actual physical blows.

This is not protest; it is not democracy. This is total anarchy when a helpless police allows such a gang to run amok. One minute — we wish to apologize to the police.





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Outstanding Articles From Our Archives

Marriage Customs from Bygone Days

by S. Fried

More and more people miss the simple weddings of old. Once, as the older people relate, weddings were entirely different: The musicians were different from the bands they have today, the quantity of people was different, the food was different, and so was the atmosphere - but most important, the simcha was of another kind. What follows is an anecdotal survey of weddings as they once were in Yerushalayim and elsewhere.

Our topic is: "Weddings of Old." We have the childhood memories and the stories of Yerushalayim of old and of the old yishuv, and there is the more distant past of the Jewish communities of the Diaspora. There is no way we can cover all of these thoroughly. Let us glean some tidbits, from here and there, not necessarily in any particular order.

"Adorned like a chosson and bedecked like a kallah. Besiman tov uvemazal tov." Kol sosson vekol simchah kol chosson vekol kalla. On Yom Shishi, the 15th day of the month of Elul, to the sedrah of boruch atto bevo'echo, in the blessed year of - with the help of Hashem, our son, Eliyahu Mordechai and our daughter Hendel will enter into the chuppah and kiddushin, at a propitious time, and we are honored to invite you to participate in our simcha. We will be honored by your presence. Parents of the chosson: Yosef Chaim/Soroh Zonnenfeld. Parents of the kallah: Menachem Nosson/Cheryl Auerbach.

Reception: At the home of the honorable wealthy man, Rabbi Rachamim Mizrachi, on Hameidan Street. The chuppah: at the Almshouse, at 9:00 in the afternoon Arab. The wedding feast: At the home of the father of the chosson, on motzei Shabbos kodesh.


The invitation, which was particularly ornate and decorated with the best graphic ornaments that the printing house had then to offer, was printed by Eliezer Goldberg, who marked his work with his own name as well.

Opinion & Comment
Shabbos: The Source of Blessing - and Self- Control

by Yochonon Dovid

We have finally come to the realization and admission that something is rotten in the general educational system. The decadence, corruption and demoralization is couched in prettier terms, like culture, openness, freedom of expression, art, the right of the public to know, the right of a person to his own privacy, life and body, and other euphemisms. These conveniently cover up the areas of decay which have spread throughout modern society.

But the violence that has erupted among the products of this permissive, libertine approach cannot be covered over or explained away. It appears in the headlines daily and is blatantly evident to the adult who comes in contact with the unruly youth, on buses and in the streets, and which is prevalent in their schools. Violence has spread to all ages, from kindergarten, through elementary school and even to the adults who have already established their own families.

When a scourge manifests itself in the world, the believing Jew comforts himself that this applies only to the physical world. Before him lies an eternal existence where only justice and truth prevail and there is no evil.

But there are those who deny the existence of an afterworld and wish to indulge fully in the pleasures available here with no holds barred. In addition, they seek to send their children to school or to play outside, with the confidence that nothing will happen to them. They are not prepared to accept the possibility that someone will do him, or a member of his family, harm, when he walks innocently outside or descends the stairway of his building. The media report that someone attacked a woman or child in a brutal way shakes his confidence and undermines his security in this world.


These links were fixed, Tammuz 5781