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This Google Custom Search looks only in this website. The Anti-Chareidi Draft Law was Passed Because of a Promise It will Not include Arabs
The Knesset plenum passed the law of chareidi mobilization this past Monday at
its first reading. This follows the fact that a fortnight earlier, the Coalition failed to round up a majority of votes needed for authorization. Security Minister Gantz immediately presented the law again at that time, and on this Monday it was read before the plenum for its first reading. 51 Knesset members supported it in a vote of 51 against 48 opposed.
In the last vote, MK Raida Zuevi from Meretz voted against it, causing its downfall. This Monday, however, she voted for it. Later she disclosed that her vote came in the wake of a special agreement which swung her to the Coalition.
Dirshu Rabbonim Call Attention to Shnipishuk Cemetery of Vilna
On Erev Shabbos Parshas Yisro, the old Shnipishuk cemetery of Vilna is still wallowing in its shame. For many years the voice of our brethren's bones shouted out to us from the earth, with no salvation in sight. Our Torah leadership from the whole world, rabbinical and Talmudic alike, has waged a determined battle against the ongoing plans of turning the existing stadium whose foundations are laid upon graves, into an additional concert hall, with the construction proceeding in their violation and desecration.
For a very brief but significant moment, the sacred remains gained support from the delegation of rabbonim in Europe for the Dirshu Halochoh siyum which visited the interred ones and said to them: "We have not forgotten you. We will do everything in our power in order to prevent the desecration of your memory. We will not allow the continuation of the violation of the cemetery. Rest you in eternal peace."
Israeli longevity is higher than other developed nations, while the share of the GDP devoted to health resources is among the lowest. This was revealed in a study of OECD which grades facts on national health of the 38 countries which are members of this organization.
The report titled, "The health system in Israel according to the OECD Standards," is dated 2019, and was recently published by the Strategic and Economic Administration and Planning of the Health Ministry. It studied a range of health indices in relation to different countries. This report, however, does not reflect the differences which took place in the world health sector due to the Corona epidemic since the data is as of 2019.
According to the study, the overall Israel life span stands at 82.9 years, one of the highest in the world. The life span of Israeli men has risen in the past few years to about 81, and it stands two years higher than the average of the OECD nations, which is 78.3. The female life span is 84.8, compared to 83.6 as the OECD average.
The Am Echad organization of Agudath Israel of America is running a campaign to support the chareidi community of Israel in this time of pressure. They are encouraging people to sign their petition to stand up for Torah values there.
Their appeal is as follows:
Editorial note: The article was written and published in 1995/5755 in the months following the petiroh of HaRav Shimon Schwab zt"l. This year on Purim Katan will be the 27th yahrtzeit.
In the first three parts, we read about Rav Schwab's family and early education in Germany, as well as the eastern European yeshivos: Telshe and Mir. The third part told of his experiences as a young rav in Ichenhausen in the early years of Hitler, ym'sh. This week's installment tells of his first job in the U.S.A. in Baltimore, Maryland.
At the time of Rav Schwab's arrival in the United States in 1936, Baltimore was known as the Yerushalayim of America.
Part IV
Rain and Kinneret Watch by Dei'ah Vedibur
Our weekly report of the rain and the level of the Kineret -
Winter, 5782.
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