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This Google Custom Search looks only in this website. The Carmel Storm in Israel
The Carmel storm which struck this past Monday and continued through Thursday, was accompanied with high winds and torrential rains in the North and central parts of the country, as well as hail, lightning and heavy snows which fell on Mt. Hermon.
Influencers and leaders from all parts of the chareidi community gathered to discuss the issues and importance of vaccination against the Covid-Corona threat. Organized by the Ministry of Health, it took place in the Sheba hospital in Tel Aviv. An extensive report appeared in the advertising weekly HaShavua.
Among those attending were senior members of the Moetzet Chachmei HaTorah including HaRav Shimon Ba'adani, as well as HaRav Shlomo Machpoud and HaRav Shlomo Zaafrani. Also the rov of the Badatz of Beitar HaRav Tzvi Braverman, and the rav of the Badatz of Machzikei HaDas HaRav Chaim Tzvi Shapira, as well as HaRav Meir Flakser, rosh yeshivas Chidushei HaRim. Also HaRav David Iran, HaRav David Yosef, HaRav Yitzchok Yeshaya Weiss and HaRav Yitzchok Meir Lieberman were there. The rov of Elad, HaRav Mordechai Malka, HaRav Tzion Cohen, the rav of Or Yehuda HaRav Masud Ben Shimon, as well as the rabbonim of Bnei Brak HaRav Shevach Tzvi Rosenblatt and HaRav Yitzchok Isaac Landau. Also HaRav Moshe Chaim Lau of Netanya.
Top medical advisors and head of Magen Lacholeh, Rabbi Binyamin Fisher, head of Lemaanchem - Rabbi Yosef Erblish, Director General of Ezer Lachaim, Rabbi Nattan Chishinsky, medical advisor - Rabbi Shlomo Dranger and Director General of Chaveirim Lirpua, Rabbi Baruch Lieberman also attended.
The mysterious virus which attacked the yeshivas in numbers, as well as the wave of Corona with all of its mutations which continues to bang on our doors side by side with other bitter events of stabbing and terrorist attacks, whose victims include precious yeshiva students -= all of these constitute a reality reminding us of the posuk, "From outside does the sword slay, and from the inside, terror, both youth, young girl, suckling and aged ones." Rashi explains that the sword from outside is that of soldiers, while the dread from within is from a plague. Does this not perfectly mirror our situation today?
Rashi adds, quoting Chazal, "From without - [a punishment] for sins committed in public, and from within, sins committed privately." To be correct according to syntax, it should have stated either "michutz" and "meichadarim" or "bachutz" and "bachadorim." The fact that it stated "meichadarim" denotes that that was the prime cause of the curse.
Part 3 — Conclusion
This extensive appreciation of HaRav Chaim Shmuelevitz zt"l was first published in our English Yated in 5754 (1993-94) at the fifteenth yahrtzeit.
The Importance of Accepting the Authority of Torah Leaders
R' Chaim put great stress upon the need for obedience in attending a Torah scholar and in being subservient, in general, to the directives of the Torah elders and leaders of the generation. He would explain that a person cannot accept the yoke of Torah upon himself and expect to connect with the giving of the Torah at Sinai without accepting its transmission from generation to generation via the Torah leaders and elders.
A person cannot choose to follow his own path in Torah. One who refuses to accept the authority of the gedolim is not included in the community of those who received the Torah. He pointed out the deterioration that takes place with one who divorces himself from the Torah public. "Achiya will build an altar, Chananya will play the lyre and they will all deny [Hashem] and say: We have no portion in the G- d of Israel" (Brochos 63).
Rain and Kinneret Watch by Dei'ah Vedibur
Our weekly report of the rain and the level of the Kineret -
Winter, 5782.
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