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A Window into the Chareidi World

25 Shvat, 5782 - January 27, 2022 | Mordecai Plaut, director | Vayishlach - 5782 Published Weekly
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The Center of the Universe
At The Center of the Universe
by Mordechai Plaut

Moreh Nevuchim (Hebrew)
Moreh Nevuchim (Hebrew)
by Rambam (new edition)

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Kol Korei from the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of America:

Shevat 5782

We hear cries of pain from our brothers who dwell in Eretz Yisroel as the Israeli government plans decrees that will seriously affect the Torah population there. Examples include:

desecrating the Kosel HaMaaravi - the last remnant of the Beis Hamikdash and the place from which the Divine Presence has never left - by permitting in it mixed prayer services and desecrations of our holy religious values;

acting to remove the safeguards for modesty accepted by the chareidi population upon themselves with respect to the use of "kosher" phones;






The Jewish Community of Ukraine at the Eye of the Storm

The Jewish communities throughout Ukraine have united to recite Perek 130 in Tehillim every morning in a plea before Hashem for peace between nations, that no blood be shed. This is in answer to the growing tension between Russia and the Ukraine lest war break out between them.

In an interview with Yated Ne'eman, the chief rabbi of Ukraine, HaRav Yaakov Bleich, explains that the growing unease is hardly felt in the country. He claims that the subject is more noticeable in the streets of Boro Park and other chareidi enclaves like Bnei Brak and Yerushalayim: "Last week, our Kehilla in Kiev gathered in order to update its members to the situation, to prepare necessary needs and especially to be aroused in prayer that 'no nation shall lift a sword against one another and would not learn warfare.'"

But to his surprise, many of the members of the congregation asked to what danger he was referring! They were altogether ignorant of the threatening political situation.





Gedolei Yisroel Travel from All Over to Europe in Honor of Dirshu Halachah

In the wee hours of the night, the bus climbs up the hill leading to Radin, wending its way between the wooden houses, decrepit with age. It approaches the tomb of the one who illuminated the eyes of Jewry. In addition to the cold bursting into the bus the moment the doors are opening, a shiver of excitement grips the passengers at the realization that they have reached their destination, that they will very shortly be standing at the very site where the tzaddik was interred.





Jerusalem Had a Big One-Day Snowstorm

On the night between Wednesday and Thursday this week, Jerusalem had a snowfall of 6 to 8 inches. It has been several years since Jerusalem experienced such a serious snowfall and for many it was their first experience. Some children were suprised that snow is cold!

Here are some pictures of scenes from the Jerusalem snowfall of 5782.





The Life and Life's Work of HaRav Shimon Schwab

Editorial note: The article was written and published in 1995/5755 in the months following the petiroh of HaRav Shimon Schwab zt"l. This year on Purim Katan will be the 27th yahrtzeit.

Last week we read about Rav Schwab's family and his education in Germany and in the eastern European yeshivos: Telshe and Mir. His rebbe in Frankfurt, Rav Shlomo Breuer, had asked him to return to work in Germany, and this week we read about his experiences as a young rav in Schweben in the early years of Hitler, ym'sh.

Part III





Rain and Kinneret Watch

by Dei'ah Vedibur Staff

Our weekly report of the rain and the level of the Kineret - Winter, 5782.

* * *

From Our Archives

Staying Jewish: The Heroic Story of HaRav Yitzchok Zilber's Life Under Atheist-Communist Rule

by Binyomin Y. Rabinovitz

Part II

In the first part, HaRav Zilber gave some background about why he began telling his stories, based on a meeting with HaRav Yitzchok Hutner, zt"l. He also told about the infamous Yevsektziya, the Jewish Department, of the Communist authorities that led most of the most effective assaults on the Jews and the Jewish religion. The Zilber family had a difficult time because Rav Zilber's father was a rov, and they had to move several times. At one stage they did not even have an apartment and the members of the family were forced to live separately with whomever they could find. He also mentioned the heroic mohel HaRav Mordechai Asnin, zt"l, and a story about the grave of the Seder Hadoros in Minsk that could not be destroyed.

War Conditions

Every day neighbors and acquaintances would warn my father, "Rebbe, who does your son think he is? His conduct is endangering you. He might be able to avoid working on Shabbos for a week or even a month. But you cannot live under war conditions your whole life. What will he amount to? While he's still 16 or 17 it's not too late for him to study to become an engineer or a doctor. But he's not studying anywhere. What will become of him? Even a simple laborer has to work on Shabbos."

A Middos Workshop: The Simcha of Adar

Based on the shiurim of Rav Dovid Siegel

Part I

Mishenichnas Adar, marbim besimchah. When Adar comes, we increase our joy.

We are all familiar with this famous Chazal. With a cheerful melody, it has become Purim's theme song. But this saying holds more meaning than a simple ditty. What joy is Chazal referring to here? Is this simchah merely the festivity associated with Purim? Chazal are surely alluding to something more profound than hamantashen and costumes. Let's take a deeper look at the joy of Adar.

Purim and Pesach


These links were fixed, Tammuz 5781