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This Google Custom Search looks only in this website. Letter from Rabbi Moshe Gafni, MK of Degel HaTorah-UTJ
Recently, to our great dismay, we have been witness to significant incitement against the chareidi community by various agents including Yair Lapid, Avigdor Lieberman and lately the mayor of Tiveria who said, "I felt on the boardwalk like I was in Gaza. Aryeh Der'i is paying for the vacations of these chareidim from your money." And another member of the City Council of Tiveria who wants to discriminate in whom to allow entry to Tiveria, and more.
The law does not find that incitement against chareidim is (illegal) incitement, as it says in Paragraph 144a of the Criminal Code: "Persecution, humiliation, contempt, open expression of hatred, enmity or violence, causing hostility against a community or part of the citizenry, and all this because of color or race or national origin-ethnicity." Therefore incitement against Arabs is forbidden, against Blacks is forbidden, but against chareidim is not forbidden.
The veteran travel reporter of the State Broadcasting Authority, Sharon Idan, mounted a severe attack against the "Fake Investigation" that was broadcast by one of the media channels, that purported to show that in the special "Exception Committee" set up to allow Israelis to return home during the Corona lockdown, there was a distinct favoritism towards chareidim. As can be expected it drew a lot of attention and hostile commentary against the chareidim.
Yet the reporter found that the fake investigation did not cite even one hard fact that backed it up, but was based only on impressions and feelings of various haters of religious people. Idan went out and searched out the facts on the ground and found that there is not a shred of factual basis for the accusations made and the criticism in its wake.
Part 2
This article is the second part of an article that was originally published twenty years ago in the print edition of the Israeli Yated Ne'eman. It is by a well-known (in Israel) master educator.
It is impossible to build a house without first planning the
number of rooms and floors and all the other details. In
addition, the engineer also has to plan the foundations, how
much iron to use inside the concrete, which type of concrete
to choose for the ceilings and which type for reinforced
walls. He has to make a sketch so that everyone can
understand his proposals. The actual planning stage itself
takes up a lot of time, everything being checked and double-
checked first. How much more so do our preparations for the
holy Pesach period require us to plan carefully and
beseech the Creator to make us succeed and guide us in all
our ways.
Adapting the Seder to the Level of the Participants
Klal Yisroel has two very different situations: one when the Beis Hamikdosh is built, and the other when we are in exile.
It is explained in seforim, mainly the Ramban Commentary on Chumash, that the superior situation of Klal Yisroel is when the Shechinah is present, and Israel is on its Land and it fulfills the 613 mitzvos, and then one sees tangibly Hashgochoh and Emunah.
In the Beis Hamikdash the Emunah is tangible. The mitzvos were given primarily for a situation like that.
Rain and Kinneret Watch by Dei'ah Vedibur
Our weekly report of the rain and the level of the Kineret -
Winter, 5781.
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