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27 Tishrei, 5781 - October 15, 2020 | Mordecai Plaut, director | Bereishis- 5781 Published Weekly
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The Center of the Universe
At The Center of the Universe
by Mordechai Plaut

Moreh Nevuchim (Hebrew)
Moreh Nevuchim (Hebrew)
by Rambam (new edition)

Melbourne Minyan

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Many Now Say 10 Tehillim Per Day

"Under these circumstances, we need prayer as well; we must beseech Heavenly mercy! A person who was once suffering from great pain came to HaRav Chaim, asking for advice. He advised him to recite ten prakim of Tehillim each day, and this counsel truly helped. It can likewise arrest the plague. "Ten chapters a day is not much, nor is it difficult. If the public were to undertake this earnestly, it may very well stop the pandemic...




Maran HaRav Chaim Kanievsky shlita's Call to Learn 2 Halachos of Shmittah Every Day

HaRav Kanievsky's recommendation, expressed on Chol Hamoed in the context of the public event of Paying Homage to our Rabbonim during Yom Tov which took place on Wednesday in front of his home, aroused a tremendous response to join the study of two Halochos in the Rambam's Laws of Shmittah and Yovel, in the hope that truly "[those who] study the Rambam's Laws of Shechita and Yovel daily will be spared from all tribulation."

His esteemed son, HaRav Yitzchok Shaul Kanievsky, conveyed the message as follows:





Major Archaeological Find in South Jerusalem

Three immaculately preserved 2,700-year-old decorated column heads, or capitals, from the First Temple period that indicate a connection to the Davidic Dynasty were found in a dig directly south of Har Habayis at the Armon Hanatziv Promenade.





The Mitzva of Shemiras Hanefesh

HaRav Gershon Edelstein has brought to the public's attention the following message:

Now, during the scourge of the Corona, one must be vigilant for oneself and for others, that he remain healthy and that others not be harmed. If one is circumspect for others, he is keeping a real mitzvah of caring for the welfare of others and helping them to avoid contamination or suffering.





Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of America Adds Members

At the time of Agudas Yisroel's founding in Katowice in 1912, it established a body known as the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah, consisting of gedolim from across Europe to stand at the helm of the movement. It has always been the hallmark of the Agudah, whether in prewar Europe or postwar America and Israel, that its policies have been guided by the words of the Moetzes. The Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of America has steered, advised, and guided American Orthodox Jewry through the challenges of Golus America for some three-quarters of a century, and continues to do so today.

The Kol Korei issued for Rosh Hashanah includes the signatures of fifteen members of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah. These include six members who have recently joined the Moetzes at the invitation of the existing members.








From Our Archives

Portraying The Past And Ensuring The Future: HaRav Yitzchok Isaac Halevi Rabinowitz, zt'l, Author Of Doros Horishonim

by Moshe Musman and Yated Ne'eman Staff, Based on a Biographical Account by Rabbi Shmuel Halevi Rabinowitz, z'l

Part Three: His Two Bequests to Klal Yisroel


Heaven directed Rav Halevi's footsteps from Eastern to Western Europe, where he settled for the last twelve years of his life. In retrospect, he was clearly entrusted with a mission in his enforced relocation and not merely made to suffer the pain of exile. His transplantation to the hub of German Orthodoxy made two achievements possible. First the completion of his work Doros Horishonim and the strengthening of its influence, and second, the founding of Agudas Yisroel.

Interestingly, the fundamental link between the two is the main message of an appreciation of Rav Halevi by one of his closest junior colleagues and followers, Morenu Yaakov Rosenheim z'l, who wrote, "One can only appreciate what Rav Yitzchok Isaac Halevi achieved for the recognition of the true Jewish [destiny] after a thorough and basic study of his life's work, Doros Horishonim; how he guaranteed anew the foundations of the Siniatic tradition for his people, by drawing generously upon his extraordinary store of knowledge . . .

"His broad Torah knowledge did not merely open spiritual vistas; it [had concrete results] also [and] yielded a craftsman's product . . . His life's work testifies to Chazal's statement that, `Kudshoh Berich Hu, the Torah and Yisroel are One.' Together with love of Hashem and of the Torah, his heart also beat with a burning love of Klal Yisroel and with the clear awareness that the bond uniting the Creator, His Torah and the Jewish nation, will never be broken. The concept of Agudas Yisroel was born of this love . . . with his sturdy hands he wove new threads into the fabric of Jewish history . . . "

This article examines these institutions more closely.


by Anni Rephun Fruchter

The first regular Shabbos of the year. Its eternal message:

"Let us concentrate on SHABBOS."

Karlsruhe 5695 - 1935

A Foretaste of Things to Come

That Shabbos morning, I awoke early. A pale sun had just risen as I washed neigelwasser and said the brochos. As I marched past the wohnzimmer I heard Mutti: "Mendel, the child wants so much for you to go ONE Shabbos to the Fromme Shul..."

Don't Play Games at Your Child's Expense

by Chaim Walder

Those involved in the area of emotional and mental problems are exposed to all kinds of disturbances and difficulties with which people must cope. Most problems may be completely resolved, or at least to a significant degree. But the most serious problem, according to all opinions, is manifested by a person who either does not recognize his problems or is unwilling to treat them under any circumstances.

One of the gedolei Yisroel once told me that many punishments are meted out to man in this world. But sometimes, there is an additional punishment: one that seems to be minuscule, but makes the suffering of the individual total and irresolvable. He was referring, of course, to punishment in the form of a stubborn mindset that causes a person to refuse all attempts to help him.


Av, 5765 - Kislev 5766 (August-December 2005)