HaRav Shimon Galai

HaRav Shimon Galai arouses us in a moving manner that when we speak of the prestige of Shabbos, how vital it is for us to abide by the cry of out gedolim to reinforce ourselves in the study of the laws of Shabbos.
He suggests, "I advise all those who truly seek to be strengthened therein to study Hilchos Shabbos with their children at the Shabbos table, for this is the secret of properly keeping it. Avreichim must set aside more time for this and see to it that their children be conversant in the laws [and study thereof] from a young age, knowing that on Shabbos, everyone is obligated to study those laws so as to behave as a Jew should. Shabbos is, after all, the covenant we have with Hashem and it is a foundation of our faith as the eternal people."
He further makes us recognize that during the week, a person is preoccupied with his daily schedule and hardly has an opportunity to do something for the sake of his soul. To this end, we bring the commentary of the Tiferes Yisroel on the psalm, "Mizmor shir liyom haShabbos."
Interestingly enough, no mention is made of Shabbos throughout this psalm. Why, then, is it called `A song for Shabbos'? He explains that since Shabbos is the day when a person is released from all of his activities and obligations, and spends the day with his family, it is an opportune time to discuss the foundations of emunah and of Shabbos, whereby one sees the kindness of Hashem and is inclined to see Hashem's goodness by "relating Your kindness in the morning and Your trustworthiness in the nights".
We must internalize the knowledge that Hashem delights in bestowing His bounty upon us, as the Sefer Hachinuch states. The reason that Chazal instituted blessings for everything is because through our recital thereof, we come to recognize Hashem's goodness and this is, in itself, a reason for us to receive His munificence from Heaven. Indeed, Shabbos is referred to as `the source of blessing,' for those who esteem it merit that which encompasses the bounty it contains.
We learn from the posuk, "The fragrance of my son is like the fragrance of the field [Gan Eden] which Hashem blessed," that aside from the fact that he acknowledged that Hashem supplies us with sustenance, he added his appreciation for fragrance, which provides pleasure and uplifts the spirit and soul which is part of Hashem's goodness and blessing.
If a person arrives at this recognition, he merits what follows: "May Elokim grant you...' — the bounty which it incorporates. If a person acknowledges in addition to his enjoyment of Shabbos that even the pleasant smell which Hashem supplies in every detail of the pleasures of Shabbos, then he, too, will gain the blessing of `Veyitein lecha...' Therefore, Shabbos is the opportunity for us to draw closer to Him, thank Him and rejoice beyond measure.
It appears to me that if one is in the company of his family and they sing zemiros accordingly, and together discuss the marvels of the Creator, these are moments which become engraved in a child forever. One can thus bequeath for generations the vital importance of Shabbos. And if a family can learn to value this sublime time rather than occupy itself in inanities but truly rejoice and strengthen itself in study on these Shabbosim, this opportunity will instill in the hearts of its members blessings for the rest of their lives.