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This Google Custom Search looks only in this website. Q&A with Our Gedolim on the Crisis
B>What should be strengthened in this time?
Sar HaTorah: Do teshuvoh.
Maran Rosh Hayeshiva: Avoid bitul Torah. Learn more Torah, each according to his ability. Be very careful about loshon hora.
Judge favorably. Ask for mercy in davening that the danger will pass quickly.
The following are excerpts from the weekly shmuess of HaRav Povarsky:
We find ourselves in a time in which the middas hadin is outstretched, and the Hand of Hashem causes storms throughout the world, to the extent that many places have been disrupted and some are at an almost complete standstill.
It is worthwhile to think deeply about what Hashem has wrought and who or what is the cause of this great storm...The following are excerpts from the weekly shmuess of HaRav Povarsky:
We find ourselves in a time in which the middas hadin is outstretched, and the Hand of Hashem causes storms throughout the world, to the extent that many places have been disrupted and some are at an almost complete standstill.
It is worthwhile to think deeply about what Hashem has wrought and who or what is the cause of this great storm...
In remarks at his Slobodka Yeshiva, HaRav Lando said:
Heeding the advice and instructions of the doctors is an obligation based on the Shulchan Aruch. To all those who make light of them with all kinds of rationalizations, I say: "Are you so sure of your reasoning?" As long as you are not completely certain, how can you go ahead and subject yourself and your surroundings to dangers. This is certainly a possible issue of pikuach nefesh and even where there is doubt the halacha is that one must go to the strict side. Gedolei Yisrael are blessed with a farseeing vision. They were concerned about distant possibilities, concerned with what might happen even if it is not evident at this time. Ignoring this does not show wisdom but the opposite.
About the outbreak he said: We see how HaKodosh Boruch Hu created with such a tiny creature a situation that affects the entire world. Even if all the experts and prognosticators thought about different possibilities, we see that they are confronted with aspects that they did not foresee.
(Caution: This is a work in progress and is subject to change, even radical change, without prior notice.)
The world makes sense, since it is run by the Ribono Shel Olam. We cannot always see the reasons for things, but we are right to search for reasons since we know they are there.
No one who is anchored in the eternal values of Torah can have any doubt that modern society is broadly and deeply flawed. The attitudes and behavior that are promoted and admired in almost all areas of basic society are thoroughly immoral.
Part VII
There are also sources in Chazal that say that important parts of life are dependent on mazal and not on zchus. One point is that Hashem does not forgo sins so that our reward will be complete. To ignore any sin would cast a severe pall over one's reward in the World of Truth. Also, Hashem established two ways of conducting the world: for those who can meet the high standard He employs the middas hadin as He "originally" thought in making the world, and for those who cannot meet this standard he uses a middas horachamim that is more lenient.
In this part the Mashgiach zt'l discusses at length the situation of R' Chanina ben Dosa.
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VI: A Kav of Carob Was Sufficient For R' Chanina ben Dosa
"Rav Yehuda said in the name of Rav: `A bas kol emerges every day and announces, "The whole world is sustained by the merit of My son Chanina, and for My son Chanina a kav of carob is sufficient from erev Shabbos to erev Shabbos"'" (Taanis 24b).
What could be the reason for Hashem's not giving R' Chanina at least bread to eat? If you will answer that when he was born this was decreed upon him, this was his mazel, nonetheless Hashem should have helped such a tzaddik and made the yoke of his decreed fate easier. This should not have been done as a reward for him, but in order to extend his possibilities of Divine service and to supply him with the means to serve Hashem better, with simcha.
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Rain and Kinneret Watch by Dei'ah Vedibur
Our weekly report of the rain and the level of the Kineret -
Winter, 5780.
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by S. Levy
What could be better? A piece on marriage counseling AND Erev Pesach in ONE!
It was chilly this morning, the day after Shushan Purim. The windshield was covered with condensation. Shmuel pulled the choke and flipped on the defogger, waiting for the car to warm up. Reuven, twenty years his senior, sat next to him. He seemed uncomfortable.
Husbands, Wives and Children
by HaRav Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg zt"l
Very frequently, I am asked to help with problems of sholom bayis. In today's homes, tensions are very common between husbands and wives. This situation is widespread throughout modern society and affects even our religious families. If unchecked, a sequence of events might begin that can unfortunately result in divorce.
I am not always able to know or determine the true initial cause. However, when I question the couple, usually the mutual answer that they give is: incompatibility and lack of communication. I ask them what happened to break up their relationship.
The couple's relationship was not always this way. At the beginning, they were compatible and had plenty to talk about.
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