Gedolei Yisrael Speak about Shabbos
By M. Berger
In the incisive letter of HaRav Chaim Kanievsky and the Rosh Hayeshiva HaRav Gershon Eidelstein publicized three weeks ago regarding the need to reinforce and augment the value of Shabbos in light of the increasing Shabbos desecration in the peripheral public areas, they wrote: "When, of late, acts of public violation of Shabbos have increased in the country, constituting a chillul Hashem... This behooves us to fortify ourselves in the observance of Shabbos Kodesh and the study of the laws of Shabbos by sanctifying it through Torah involvement; certainly the study of the laws pertinent to Shabbos will have an impact on those distant as well and a strengthening in the observance thereof." In the wake of this letter and the concurrent increase and spread of chillul Shabbos, we turned to members of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah, asking how their plea can be actualized in practice, for their insights would surely be guidelines for the public.
HaRav Yitzchok Sheiner expressed his pain regarding the increase of Chillul Shabbos in our land, saying, "Surely this demands from each individual to strengthen himself in Torah study on Shabbos and of the laws of Shabbos. This requires fathers to inculcate in their children from an early age the immeasurable value of Shabbos, and to this end, the study of its laws and observance should be well established."
The Rosh Yeshiva additionally noted that "since we are standing in a period where the distant ones are responsible for desecration of Shabbos, it seems apparent that by reinforcing ourselves, the Torah true public, through additional study sessions on Shabbos, it will be regarded in Heaven as special efforts on our part to show esteem and honor for Shabbos, which will necessarily cause a deeper cohesion with Shabbos encompassing and impacting all of Jewry."
HaRav Boruch Mordechai Ezrachi 
HaRav Boruch Mordechai Ezrachi noted importantly that "those who head the battle against the instigators of Chilul Shabbos perpetrated recently in public should necessarily be Torah scholars, people who essentially regard Shabbos with high esteem and sincerity since this is the highlight of the week and we must not let it pass with insignificant matters.
"We must internalize the fact that Shabbos has no peer among all those values which we hold sacred. We must exalt it for the strong, unique bond whereby it connects us to the Creator. When we state on Shabbos, that `we rejoice in Your kingship,' we should be aware and actually sense that this is a day of joy, commemorating Hashem's rule. We must therefore relate to our obligation in this matter with full seriousness and assume a higher quality of thinking; there is nothing dearer than Shabbos [or more auspicious] to be exalted through it.
"Everyone knows that some serious people eschewed speaking idle talk on Shabbos, and related to the covenant of `between Me and you' in a special way, knowing that those who keep Shabbos are preserving the eternal covenant between the Creator and Klal Yisroel. Therefore, we make a distinction in what and how we eat on Shabbos, how we study, sing, dress and speak. All these changes come to show us the uniqueness in the matter."
The Rosh Yeshiva also emphasized the practical and encouraging aspect of this distinction: "The strongest ammunition of the violators of Shabbos is lightheaded conduct. The inanity, frivolity and wantonness, which we must counteract is through dignity and solemnity. The head of a Ben Torah immersed in Torah study on this day as opposed to insignificant doings can spread an atmosphere throughout. This is what raises us, because the highest stratum of our people is in those bnei Torah who relate to Shabbos seriously through study in a dignified ambiance, which is the means of thwarting the atmosphere of the lightheartedness."