HaRav Shlomo Wolbe zt"l
Menuchoh (resting) on Shabbos enhances one of the human fundamentals that are crucial for one's overall shleimus, namely, menuchas hanefesh (inner peace), according to HaRav Shlomo Wolbe zt"l. In order to understand menuchas Shabbos we must first direct our attention to the concept of menuchas hanefesh and its function in avodas Hashem.
The bad character of the rosho is constantly being stimulated and he cannot remain quiet and at peace. Anger, jealousy and/or ego are constantly aroused by him and they give him no rest.
For a tzaddik the situation is the opposite, His good character traits give him the possibility of being at peace. Conversely, when a person has menuchas hanefesh, good character traits will be stimulated such as love and empathy with another's difficulties (nesi'a be'ol). It may be that if one only directs his efforts to achieving menuchas hanefesh he would nonetheless succeed in acquiring all of the good character traits. So menuchas hanefesh is a key rule in avodas Hashem.
We live today in an ear in which the pace of life is very fast. All are running and involved in their own concerns and they do not achieve menuchoh, This alone would be sufficient reason for our generation to be far from any kedushah. How can one daven properly if he has no menuchas hanefesh? Similarly with regard to other mitzvos, avodas Hashem will always be suboptimal if there is no inner thought and menuchas hanefesh.
If there were menuchas hanefesh and inner thought, then a person could withdraw from his normal concerns and concentrate all his thoughts on himself with menuchas hanefesh, even if only for a few minutes, he could save himself from the worst effects of the dizzying page of modern life and its problems.
It seems that we are far from true menuchoh on Shabbos. Even if one keeps all the laws of Shabbos, special avodah is required to reach menuchoh. We only saw by a very select few the image of a Jew with true menuchas hanefesh.
When I arrived at yeshivas Mir (in Europe) I thought that there was a special Mashgiach on Shabbos who was not present during the week. The face of the Mashgiach Rabbeinu Yeruchom Halevi zt"l was different on Shabbos, beyond recognition. His entire conduct and speech changed on Shabbos.
About the Alter of Kelm zt"l they used to say that his face during the week was white as chalk but on Shabbos it was red. These great men knew what Shabbos is and they reached a madreigoh of true menuchoh on Shabbos.