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This Google Custom Search looks only in this website. Gedolei Yisrael Call Upon Everyone to Vote and Support Degel Hatorah
In view of the elections this coming Monday March 2/6 Adar, Maranan verabonon the members of the Moetzes Gedolei Yisrael of Degel HaTorah led by Maran Sar HaTorah HaRav Chaim Kanievsky and Maran Rosh Hayeshiva HaRav Gershon Edelstein have issued a general call to support and vote for the United Torah Judaism and Shabbos party. Its highlights include:
To our chareidi brethren throughout Eretz Yisrael, we appeal to you, during these days, seeing that a grave danger hovers over us whereby there is great incitement against the public, against yeshiva students and avreichim engaged in Torah study, and against anything sacred. They seek to desecrate Shabbos in public and make decrees against our chinuch, kashrus and against conversion.
We must differentiate between Shabbos observance and the sanctity of Shabbos.
We must understand why the Torah actually permitted the offering of sacrifices on Shabbos in the Beis Hamikdash. Chazal say: Come and see how dear is the mitzvah performed at its designated time, for the fats and kosher organs can be burned on the Mizbeiach all night and nonetheless they didn't wait until Shabbos was over but rather burned them on the Mizbeiach on Shabbos during the day. While we cannot fathom the will of Hashem, still, if the Torah went so far, we can, nevertheless try to understand it - said HaRav Wosner zt"l.
There is something about going back to where it all began to make you remember who you are and what matters most.
In the Agudah's 20th annual Yarchei Kallah, participants found themselves overtaken by an emotional connection to Eretz Yisroel, knowing that they were following in centuries-old footsteps and are crucial links in a chain extending back to Klal Yisroel's origins. More than just an educational experience, the Yarchei Kallah has demonstrated that the seforim that have been their constant companions and the experiences they have shared are elements of a mesorah that has been handed down through the generations, one that defines us and has sustained us through the years.
HaRav Boruch Mordechai Ezrachi, member of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah and Rosh Yeshivas Ateres Yisrael, has accompanied many election campaigns. He is a man who has seen many generations of Torah leaders past and present, while absorbing from them a true outlook and conveying it to thousands of his students and adherents, through his gifted cogent rhetoric and razor-sharp pen. He has instilled among his devotees throughout the country the flavor of Torah, daas Torah, and the very spirit of Torah.
During these days that clouds spread across the skies of Torah-true Jewry when our enemies scheme to harm us and sharpen their talons and hone their fangs, in times when the call reverberates from our leaders of "Who is unto Hashem - rally to me," we approached this great man who engages the minds and arouses the hearts, to define our duty for us and dispel the clouds of uncertainties and spread before us the excuses of evaders, amplify the obligation resting upon the shoulders of every Torah student and avreich as well as all those who bear the responsibility of botei medrash and lives heart and soul for Torah even whilst engaged in the stormy waters of life, that he raise the banner of allegiance and connection to the camp, not to bow.
The following ma'amar is a combination of many different shmuessim that were said by Reb Dovid zt"l over the years as the mashgiach in Yeshivas Ner Yisroel in Baltimore. This ma'amar was recently edited and printed together with many other hitherto unpublished shmuessim in two volumes entitled Sichos Chochmah Umussar. This shmuess was chosen to translate and print because of its insight to our present day situation — in particular of the innumerable, seemingly difficult to understand, tragedies that have become commonplace.
Part III
III: Hakodosh Boruch Hu Does Not Forgo Our Sins So That our Reward will be Complete
The main goal behind Man's creation is for him to receive and enjoy a reward for what he has done. The reason for this — according to our understanding — is explained in the Ramchal's Da'as Tevunos (section 18):
"So that the conveying of goodness, pleasure and enjoyment [to man from Hashem] will be complete, Hashem in His sublime wisdom knew it to be proper that those who receive [goodness] should receive it through their own efforts. In that way they will deserve it and not be embarrassed by receiving it, as if they were receiving tzedokoh from another person. The Yerushalmi (Orla 1:3) wrote about this, `Someone who eats what is not his, meaning he has not earned it by his own labor, is embarrassed to look in [the giver's] face.'"
Only earned pleasure, that "belongs" to the person, will be truly part of him. Thus, only in this way is it possible to fully realize goodness and pleasure from Hashem in a person.
The Alter of Kelm, HaRav Simcha Zissel Broide zt'l, explained (Chochmah Umussar part 1, discourse 162) the following gemora (Bovo Kama 50a) which is relevant to our discussion:
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Rain and Kinneret Watch by Dei'ah Vedibur
Our weekly report of the rain and the level of the Kineret -
Winter, 5780.
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From Our Archives
The Path To Chizuk
by HaRav Aharon Leib Shteinman
An address to the participants in the Second Yerushalayim Yarchei Kallah of Agudas Yisroel of America, last month
I have heard that everybody here has experienced a great elevation. Everyone has risen higher! I do not know how much people have managed to rise, for one cannot become a gaon in the space of a few days, but the very fact that people feel elevated is itself enough. If people feel that they have risen higher, this in itself is a great thing.
At the top of the list of things which need to be strengthened (Brochos 32), Chazal place Torah. Although we learn constantly, we nevertheless need to strengthen ourselves constantly and this is especially true in our times. If Chazal said it in their times, then nowadays we are certainly in need of constant reinforcement. If one doesn't try to encourage oneself, he weakens, so one needs to strengthen oneself constantly.
We also find that Chazal refer to a time known as chevlei Moshiach, the birthpangs of Moshiach. We cannot know with certainty when the beginning of this time is. It might be near to its end, or it might just be beginning. Who can know? Nowadays we don't have prophets, although it's probable that the birthpangs of Moshiach have certainly already begun.
by R' Zvi Zobin
The Chovos Halevovos explains that the reason why children are beset with childhood diseases and painful afflictions such as teething is so that they should learn at an early age that life is not a `bed of roses.' There is a lot of talk these days about how important it is to be thinking about and doing teshuva and coming closer to Hashem. Many of us busy housewives may be wondering: How? What more can I possibly be doing, and where will I find the time to do it? Time towards one thing is always time away from something else, if the time is not running away from us altogether.
An old story tells of a princess who was so spoiled that when a pea was hidden under the pile of mattresses she had on her bed, she felt its bump and it made her so uncomfortable she couldn't sleep all night. Generally, she was always unhappy and in a bad mood despite the luxuries her father, the king, lavished on her.
Some people think that pampering a child and providing him with luxuries will make the child happier. This fairy tale illustrates how it can actually make a child more unhappy.
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