Right: A general view of the event. Left: HaRav Cohen speaking

Seventy community activists from across Israel gathered in Jerusalem under the auspices of the Rabbinical Committee to Fortify the Walls of the Religion to discuss the scourges of modern technology. The event took place at the Prima Palace hotel at a melave malka.
The main speaker was HaRav Dovid Cohen, rosh yeshiva of Chevron Yeshiva and a member of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah. He said that the Internet and the instruments of tumah constitute a grave danger to the Torah world. The tumah that enters through these channels harms the kedushoh of Torah and cuts off those who succumb from any connection to Torah and spirituality. Therefore the efforts of the Rabbinical Committee are essential to the future of the Torah world.
In addition there is the issue of the workplaces of women where there is significant exposure to the dangers of the Internet, plus the ever present dangers in the workplaces themselves, sometimes even in companies said to be chareidi.
In addition to the more obvious danger of totally leaving the Torah path, R"l, there is the more subtle problem of the introduction of the culture of the outside world, that has an internal influence on the nature of the home.
HaRav Cohen added that the way to expand the boundaries of kedushoh is by working within the communities with all ages, and especially making parents aware of what can be done to avoid the dangers.
HaRav Tzivieli Ben Tzur, a senior lecturer in Arachim, spoke about the addictive nature of the Internet. He noted the sharp observation of the Yeshuos Moshe, that sometimes one works thinking that he is lokei'ach es hama'acheles that is, taking the initiative to feed and support his family, but the unintentional result is lishchot es beno, he ends up slaughtering his children.
HaRav Yechiel Zucker, principal of girls' seminars in Ashdod and Elad, told of going in to HaRav Aharon Leib Shteinman zt"l, and telling him that many say there is no hope since soon the only way to do everything, from depositing checks in the bank to dealing with health services, will be through smart phones.
Maran replied emphatically, Nein, nein nein! No Satan has any power of his own to do anything. Everything depends on us. If we stand strong, from Shomayim they will have mercy.