In light of the terrible breaches and the foreign ideas alien to Jewish spirit which are infiltrating through news sites which style themselves as chareidi on the Internet and on phone lines, and in light of the moral decline of those who seek to change the very character of the chareidi public, also through chinuch, our Torah leaders of Torah and Halacha have come out with an incisive letter in which they warn against the danger of said sites. They call upon the public to block their computers from access to them, inclusive of the blockage which is halachically required in any case to forbidden sites.
In their letter, our gedolim write: "All of our Torah leaders have already aroused attention regarding the dreadful destruction of those new sites which claim to be chareidi have wrought and which disseminate slander, loshon hora and abuse of talmidei chachomim, and are full of evil thinking and profane outlooks. Indeed, subsequently, the G-d-fearing have shunned them and kept their distance from those sites and their destructive influence.
"To our regret, however, those sites continue relentlessly to pursue their harmful objectives and have injected the street culture in a most severe manner. They present obscene notions which dilute and weaken everything holy and revered, breaching the protective walls of Yiddishkeit, thus creating a threat of preserving the holy character of Torah-true Jewry of all time.
"Therefore, it is imperative to distance oneself radically from them, and those who require use of Internet for their livelihood should properly screen their computers from access thereof and verify that the screening is comprehensive regarding all sites of this nature."
This letter of the gedolim was signed with the hope and blessing that "may Hashem instruct the wayward with the proper intelligence and preserve us from harmful misfortunes and may we merit seeing all of our offspring loving Hashem and duly fearing Him."
"Of late, one of those sites overreached themselves in a publication of various goals which encourage army service and inject foreign views regarding our pure chinuch of girls and boys in supporting academic advanced study contrary to our pure spirit. They inject doubts regarding our philosophy of life while promoting the breaching of our safeguards accepted as irreversible norms of self protection against everything unseemly and ugly. They discuss issues never broached publicly before in our circles, which can cause irreparable damage to the sacredness of our Jewish homes."