The Vaad HaRabbonim for Kedushas haShabbos in Eretz Yisroel, under the auspices of our gedolei Yisroel, are warning and encouraging the traveling public who flies abroad on occasion to avoid and beware of flights leaving America on Thursday afternoon and scheduled to land in Israel on Friday morning. This is following a severe mishap which occurred this past week with El Al airlines when the departure was delayed by many long hours, an occurrence which is liable to result in chillul Shabbos. Last Shabbos a number of chareidi El Al passengers spent the day in Athens. Their flight was scheduled to leave late Thursday afternoon, which would have had it land in Israel early Friday afternoon. But it was delayed.
The Vaad HaRabbonim notes that in any average flight, it is very common for it to be delayed for hours, which makes their safeguard suggestion very real to ensure that enough time be allowed to avoid the chance of chillul Shabbos ch"v. The rabbonim note the event that occurred many years ago with a talmid chochom from Shaarei Chessed who, upon returning from abroad, was severely rebuked by Maran HaRav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach zt"l who asked how he had dared to take the risk of returning home on a Friday afternoon! They also noted that "according to the Chofetz Chaim, it is a part of the mitzvas asei of shamor -- `guarding and safekeeping' -- the Shabbos.
HaRav Tzvi Odesser, member of the Vaad and Rosh Yeshivas Ateres HaTorah said in an interview with Yated Ne'eman, "We have seen many times that flights departing from New York on Thursday afternoon are indeed very risky. Flights are delayed, as happened last week, and passengers are very prone to violate the Shabbos. One should schedule return flights from New York on Wednesday or at the latest, on Thursday morning, especially during the winter.
"We call upon the public, again, to reinforce within themselves this important issue involving the chance of Shabbos desecration and avoid flights leaving on Thursday afternoon."
The secretary of the Vaad HaRabbonim, HaRav Yehuda Yabrov, informs the public, "In the coming days, the members of the Vaad headed by HaRav Odesser will hold a meeting with the CEO of El Al to refresh clear-cut procedures which were agreed upon in the past regarding upholding the sanctity of Shabbos by the company so that an occurrence like last week's shall not be repeated and if there are delays in flights causing the flights to land close to Shabbos, that the plane flight be altogether cancelled."
A file photo of an El Al 787-9