Reform Conversion Will Never be Recognized in Israel
By Yechiel Sever
The above was declared by chairman of the Knesset Finance Committee, Rabbi Moshe Gafni (Degel HaTorah) to Yated Ne'eman following a request from the government for a High Court postponement of a case on the issue. This is the third time of such a request for a space of an additional half year regarding the Reform and Conservative appeal for official recognition of their `conversions'.
UTJ MK Rabbi Moshe Gafni

Among the bodies appealing to the High Court is the Reform Movement but the government has requested an additional deferment. In an interview, Rabbi Gafni told Yated Ne'eman interviewer that, "under no circumstances will we recognize the so-called Reform conversions. Such a thing will never be. The Reform people stab a knife in the back of true Jewry and there will never be any recognition of such conversions. We will not allow their subsistence under any circumstances. Their ceremonies have no backing whatsoever."