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This Google Custom Search looks only in this website. Chareidim are Not Afraid of Vaccines
The media is up in arms once again regarding chareidi bashing, this time attempting to create an impression that is far from the truth. The subject this time revolves around preventive medicine, with facts from a study carried out by the government's Central Bureau of Statistics covering 5.5 million Israelis. This survey (hopefully) refutes a painful and totally unfounded myth that the chareidi population does not inoculate their children.
Succos Roofs by Yoninah from Wikipedia
From Our Archives
Serving Hashem with Joy
by HaRav Chaim Walkin
The joy man feels when performing a mitzvah and loving G-d, Who commanded the mitzvos, is a great avodah. Whoever prevents himself from feeling this joy deserves retribution, as the Torah states, "Because you did not serve Hashem your G- d with joy and with gladness of heart! therefore you shall serve your enemies... (Devorim 28:47- 48) (Rambam, Hilchos Lulav 8:15).
The wording Rambam uses here is unusual for him. His treatise Mishneh Torah, where these words were written, is a halachic work. The word "deserves" is too ambiguous -- either the person is punished or not.
Furthermore, where is the basis of this halachic ruling in the verse he quotes?
"For He Will Shelter Me in His Succah"
By M. Berkowitz
A Succos Story - FICTION
The roads to Bederech Avoseinu were jammed. An unusual number of cars and buses were headed towards the school which was celebrating its first anniversary. That night, the first night of chol hamoed Succos, a gala simchas beis hasho'eivo was planned. A huge crowd was expected: rabbonim, communal figures, students and their families, staff members, supporters and anyone else who heard about the institution and wanted to share in the simcha. Anyone who wanted to feel like a part of the unique educational success came to its celebration. And because so many had heard about the new, successful institution, hundreds of invited and their guests streamed to the grounds of Bederech Avoseinu.
A Mission to
Spread Daas Torah
for the Best in Yiddishkeit
The Immorality
of Palestinian Combatants and Noncombatants