Critical Comments about Current Challenges
By Y. Shain
The Gathering 
Thousands of community representatives participated in a special gathering which took place last week in the Kiryat Banot auditorium in Jerusalem. These representatives, the `watchmen' against technological ills and damages, including representatives in the Chassidic courts of all circles and communities, gathered to discuss extensively ways of cooperation across the board to expedite the vigil.
The main speaker was the Mashgiach, HaRav Don Segal, who said, among other things, "When all of the various communities unite to explore and operate so that the sanctity of our people is not blemished, it constitutes much Heavenly honor, a tremendous Kiddush Hashem, as well as great merit for Jewry as a whole, and channels a bountiful stream of blessings and success for each and every one.
"When elections were held for the Polish Sejm [parliament], the Chazon Ish said that Torah-true Jewry should also create their own political party. When he was asked if this was feasible since they would not be able to garner enough votes for even one representative, he replied that the purpose was to show that indeed, there are thousands of Torah-true Jews who believe in Hashem and are concerned for the prestige of their religion and faith. Similarly, here, when others see how Jews are gathered to show esteem for Heaven, it is, indeed, a tremendous Kiddush Hashem."
He also said, "The Sheloh Hakodosh says that Yaakov Ovinu did not reveal the end of Days to his children, but he did disclose that towards the end of Days, the manner in which to merit the Redemption was through cohesion: `Hei'osfu' — gather ye together in a show of Kiddush Hashem. It is only natural that with time, one becomes desensitized and loses one's drive, becoming lax and weakened. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly reinforce oneself in vigil, since just as the power of evil gathers strength, so must we assure that Good waxes strong and vital."