Chareidi-Torani Jewry in Israel has begun organizing for the upcoming daf yomi siyum. A central committee has been set up to plan for the upcoming siyum Shas that is scheduled to take place on Thursday night, 5 Teves, 5780, January 2, 2020.
The Siyum in America is planned for a day earlier, on January 1. The American Agudah has been running a publicity campaign for several months that has generated a tremendous amount of interest and has inspired many to start learning a daf yomi, or at least some regular gemora learning.
Tens of thousands of learners worldwide will complete the 13th cycle of the Shas daf yomi on Shabbos 7 Teves parshas Vayigash, and begin the new 14th cycle that Sunday.
Also, the members of the Degel HaTorah publicity headquarters convened this past Monday for a work session in the party's control center in Bnei Brak for primary preparations in anticipation of the important elections on the threshold.
MK Rabbi Moshe Gafni said, "We find ourselves in a situation where state and religion are the focus of public attention. We must incorporate the ways to deal with this and simultaneously, to review the previous success and upgrade it, since this time, every vote is determining, and this is no clichå. We have seen this played out when the eighth mandate was won through only a critical few votes."