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Maranan Verabbonon the members of the Nesius of the Vaad Hayeshivos, including HaRav Chaim Kanievsky, and HaRav Gershon Edelstein, call upon the bnei hayeshivos hakedoshos to be mitchazek and to increase toil in Torah during Chanukah, and to see them as time for increasing the learning of Torah and not, chas vesholom, a period of weakness of distancing from learning Torah.
Various events to mark the first yahrtzeit of HaRav Shteinman were held just before Chanukah. These are some of the remarks made be gedolei Yisroel on those occasions.
Poland has announced that it will put special stones up around some 1,400 Jewish cemeteries in the country. This was the agreement between the Chief Rabbi of Poland and the head of the Standing Committee of the Rabbinical Committee of Europe Rav Mordechai Schudrich and the Polish Minister of Culture Peter Galinsky.
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From Our Archives
Chanuka in the Shadow of the Olympics
by Rabbi Yisroel Greenwald
After the athletes have walked away with the gold; the financiers, the green; the losers, the black and the blue; the Olympics 2000 have all but been forgotten. For many, even amongst those who view sports as being crassly commercialized, this international sporting event has become a venerable icon surpassed only by the likes of Coca Cola and several animated Disney characters.
"When I Sit in Darkness, Hashem is My Light"
by Maran HaRav Chaim Shmuelevitz zt'l
Concerning the descent of Yosef to Egypt, it is written, "And lo, a caravan of Ishmaelites was coming from Gilad, and their camels bore gum, balm and laudanum, going to carry it down to Egypt." Chazal ask: But it is not customary for Arabs to trade with wares other than animal skins and pitch. Yet, come and see what Hashem prepared for that tzaddik at the time -- sacks filled with spices whose fragrance the wind wafts to overcome the odor of the Arabs (Yalkut Shimoni Bereishis 247 142).
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