The Yahrtzeit of HaRav Shlomo of Karlin is 22 Tammuz
by Yisrael Rosner
The Hachnosas Orchim in Ludmir
The city of Ludmir in Ukraine is witness to energetic activity in anticipation of the yahrtzeit of the Admor Rabbi Shlomo of Karlin which will took place on Thursday, the 22nd of Tammuz. Public activists have organized this year, with the help of "Oholei Tzaddim", a suitable building to accommodate visitors with lodging, a mikveh and a shul near and visible to the ancient cemetery in Ludmir where the Admor is buried.
In previous years, those who traveled to pour out their hearts in prayer in the Ludmir cemetery on the yahrtzeit of Kvod Kedushas Rabbi Shlomo of Karlin, praised the blessed initiative of erecting a building to serve as hachnosas orchim, mikveh and a place of prayer for all the visitors. Up till now, they note, such a trip involved tremendous effort and discomfort which prevented many of the Chassidim and other visitors throughout the world from coming. Now, with the new arrangements, Jews will be able to come and dwell in the rarefied atmosphere and conditions, and daven with full concentration as is warranted and conducive in such a holy site.