Dei'ah Vedibur - Information &

A Window into the Chareidi World

29 Tammuz, 5779 - August 1, 2019 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly










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The Decisions (Guidance) Arrived at By the Assembly

At the end of the gathering of educators last week, the leaders issued these guidelines and policies.

We are witnesses to the attempts to inject concepts from the `street' into our camp - through its values, culture and ways of thinking. This also includes a goal and method of introducing academic studies to the chareidi public. To this purpose, educational institutions have been established, calling themselves `chareidi' but they are actually offshoots of secular academic institutions.

In view of this, an assembly has gathered, headed by Torah leaders, to reinforce the traditional Bais Yaakov heritage, and these are the resolutions which were accepted, upon the direction of our leadership:

1. Studies for a profession and the resultant entrance to the work world in any profession whatsoever should be geared solely and purely for the sake of livelihood and not for the sake of a career which, in itself, is a treif concept. Bais Yaakov must imbue such values so that their graduates will preserve them fully and be vigilant to remain separate from the street and its ideas, just as they were taught in Bais Yaakov institutions.

2. These times dictate the need to preserve the spirit of Bais Yaakov more intensely and guard the spirit in the home, that they adhere to the [teachings] and that the staff and activities taking place in the schools all be true to the basic values of Torah and yiras Shomayim so that the very spirit of our sages rest upon them and that they see to it that [students] not stray to foreign fields.

3. Our rabbonim and leaders of Torah and chassidus, past and present, have forbidden academic studies in all of its various forms, with no exception allowed. Therefore, Bais Yaakov students and graduates, single or married, shall not study in any academic institution, under any structure whatsoever (university, college or other educational institution) even if it calls itself `chareidi.'

4. Teachers are obligated to relate to this issues in their classes and provide suitable, quality explanations that will sit well with the students. They must clarify to them the prohibition of gedolei Yisroel that means of livelihood through unacceptable ways, no matter for what reason, do not constitute hishtadlus. The main purpose of a mechanesses is to convey to the students the joy and fulfillment in a life of Torah, modesty and yiras Shomayim.

5. We support the efforts of the seminary administrations which try their best to provide (training for) those professions suitable to the spirit of Bais Yaakov, through studies and providing work places therefore. May Hashem's favor grant them success.


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