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This Google Custom Search looks only in this website. New Regulations Expand Time Flexibility of Religious Workers
Agudath Israel of America, welcomed a new rule issued by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) that will strengthen the ability of federal employees to take compensatory time off for religious observances. President Trump highlighted the development at the White House event honoring the National Day of Prayer.
The door slammed hard behind the distancing figure. Gavriel strode vigorously, trying to get as far from his home as soon and as fast as he could. A cab driver stopped for him on the main road, intuiting through his professional eye that the stranger needed a quick trip.
These are the recollections of HaRav Yechiel Michel Shclesinger, founder of the yeshiva Kol Torah in Yerushalayim, of HaRav Avrohom Elya Kaplan zt'l, head of the Berlin Rabbinerseminar and a talmid of Slobodke yeshiva, under whom he had learned. This essay was originally published in Haderech, on the 11th Iyar 5704, for HaRav Kaplan's twentieth yahrtzeit.
From Our Archives "And You Shall Count For Yourselves . . . "
by L. Jungerman
The portion in the Torah dealing with the counting of the Omer is read on Shabbos (parshas Emor) in the very midst of the period of counting, a topical issue, and all the more reason for us to delve into its significance and to derive lessons from the Master Design in this exalted command. As the Sefer Hachinuch notes, the essence of the counting process expresses an avid anticipation, a self- triggering, a count-up towards the hoped for climax of the giving of the Torah.
Who Did the Rescuing During the Holocaust?
by Yisroel Spiegel
Part I
In the first months after the outbreak of World War II, some of the yeshivas that were located in Lithuanian Poland moved to Vilna. The reason for this move was that the Russians had taken over their territory because of the famous treaty between the Nazis and the Soviets. The Communist police made things difficult for the yeshivas, and for this reason they preferred to find themselves another place.
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The Immorality
of Palestinian Combatants and Noncombatants