A screen shot of the controversial video
Despite the merger of Yesh Atid with Ganz and Ya'alon, the party chairman, Yair Lapid, has no interest in freeing himself from his habit of inciting against the chareidi public. In these past few days, Lapid has released a clip with extreme and abusive messages as part of his election campaign.
The clip, created officially for the Kachol-Lavan (Blue-White) party, presents an imaginary correspondence between Prime Minister Netanyahu and the heads of the rightist and chareidi party heads, in which the chareidi party heads request "a trillion shekel for yeshivos" as well as "all the money in Israel." The message throughout shows Netanyahu under pressure when, due to the law of immunity, the aforesaid parties attempt to apply extortion against him and the national treasury.
The clip understandably raised much resentment. UTJ Chairman, MK Rabbi Gafni, said, "The history of the Jewish people has repeatedly shown those who portray us as money grubbers in each country where Jews reside. This time, since the perpetrator is a Jew himself, we cannot call [the incitement] anti-Semitic, but incitement it surely is of the lowest form. According to Yair Lapid, chareidim want to grab all the money in the national coffers. We want to get what is coming to us by right, like everyone else. What does he want from our children? What does he want from chareidi families and what wrong did they commit against him that he despises us so and accuses us of such things?"