Dei'ah Vedibur - Information &

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10 Sivan, 5779 - June 13, 2019 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly










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Continuing Chizuk After Shavuos

By Y. Shain

HaRav Eidelstein speaking

HaRav Gershon Eidelstein engaged in a chizuk tour to numerous yeshivos preceding Shavuos, paying a special visit to Yeshivas Ohr Yisroel in Petach Tikva where he delivered a guidance address to its students. Masses of local residents also joined the event to prepare themselves for the Giving of the Torah.

The Roshei Yeshiva, HaRav Yigal Rosen and HaRav Mordechai Rabinowitz, received their eminent guest.

In his uplifting address, HaRav Eidelstein stressed the fact that the shloshes yemei hagbola is a time most propitious for preparing to receive the Torah through its inherent boost of reinforcement, while noting that one must also look to the future. How can one continue the uplift and carry it over beyond Shavuos so that it can impact on the rest of the year?

"The best advice," he said, "as HaRav Yisroel Salanter noted, "is to augment one's G-d-fear and minimize spiritual pitfalls. One must increase one's yiras Shomayim while seeing to it that negative challenges, nisyonos, decrease. Admittedly, Torah study does not necessarily have to be difficult since the study itself is interesting and motivating, but this depends on how the individual person studies — that it be suited to his strength and affinity.

"This is the counsel and path for success in Torah study, to lessen the trial, to assure that the study not be too difficult. Each one must seek what appeals to him. Some like to delve intensely and surely, this method is commendable, but not all students are built for this and it is best for some to study at a simpler level and proceed. Eventually, he will also achieve understanding in depth. When one studies in this manner, each according to his specific nature, it eliminates the trial of wasting time, and each one is drawn to the manner of study which appeals and stimulates him.

"Concurrently, one must also work on increasing his yiras Shomayim, as HaRav Salanter stressed, and for this purpose, yeshivos have instituted Mussar study times. It is not something extracurricular but mandatory so that each one increase his yiras Shomayim.

"This is not expressed through solemnity and somberness but through joy. The fear of Hashem, says Mishlei (10:27), shall increase days. The study of Mussar adds joy to a person since it crystallizes for him his obligations and organizes his entire daily regimen. This causes joy and satisfaction in his life, while others, who see a person organized in his life, one whose ways are dictated by methodical and orderly planning, will naturally respect and hold him in esteem. He will be happy and fulfilled in this world, as is stated in Pirkei Ovos (6:4): This is the way of Torah... and if you behave thus, fortunate are you in this world."


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