The following remarks were delivered at a special gathering of the Orchos Yosher organization which is dedicated to increasing the learning of mussar.
"The study of Mussar is not merely a worthy thing nor a custom: rather, it is a duty!"
There is something that not many people know: they believe that the study of Mussar is beyond one's study obligation, but this is a mistake. The study of Mussar is a fast and hard duty. "Sefer Chovos Halevovos" is called thus because it is a responsibility, an obligation, without which a person is a [lesser and] different being.
A man who studies Mussar regularly, even if only for a short time, is a different person. Many have told me so from real life examples. Many have told me that the study of Mussar has its impact on the whole family. They tell of a woman who said to her husband that she actually noticed a change in him. "You've become a different person altogether. What has happened?" He began studying Mussar! This study fills the home with joy but also transforms the person entirely, making him a perfect man.
HaRav Yisroel Salanter dedicated his life for the study of Mussar. The Chofetz Chaim also writes that those who previously thought that it was not an obligation for yeshivos to set aside a special daily session for Mussar study, now admit, one and all, that there is no alternative; it is vital, a spiritual lifesaver.
The effort being made to fortify the study of Mussar is a vital undertaking, a public service whose value cannot be measured. May we all be Divinely guided in strengthening ourselves in those areas we need, in bitachon and in the study of Mussar.