In the center is the Admor of Zanz and HaRav Chaim Kanievsky
This past Friday, our Torah leaders and presidium members of the World Mifal HaShas gathered amidst much enthusiasm and anticipation in the Lederman Beis Medrash of HaRav Chaim Kanievsky for the yearly meeting of the Mifal HaShas. This endeavor was established over thirty-five years ago by the Sanzer Rebbe, the Shefa Chaim, for the purpose of restoring the crown of Torah knowledge to its appropriate designated place amongst the many thousands of Jews.
The message of HaRav Chaim Kanievsky: "Throughout the generations, it was well known that one cannot be rightfully called a talmid chochom without an expert knowledge of Shas.
"Rav Chaga said in Moed Koton 25a: I learned the entire Talmud by the time I was eighteen. And Rav Kahane said in Shabbos 63a: When I was eighteen and I had learned the entire Shas... We learn from this that one should first learn a lot and then attend to sevara.
"The Chazon Ish said to HaRav Michel Yehuda Lefkowitz that a yeshiva student who comes to learn in your yeshiva ketana at bar mitzvah age must already be conversant in all of Shas, and you must teach him how to really learn. Throughout the generations they knew that one cannot be considered a talmid chochom unless he was expert in all of Shas.
"Therefore, let us be indebted to our colleague, the current Admor of Sanz, who stands at the head of the Mifal HaShas, which morally supports and encourages young Torah students to study, review and thoroughly know all of Shas. He has already produced flocks upon flocks of outstanding Torah scholars. May it be the Heavenly will that we and our offspring acquire a comprehensive knowledge in the entire Torah, and merit the complete Redemption, speedily and in our days."