In the center are HaRav Moshe Hillel Hirsch and HaRav Gershon Edelstein
As in past years, so too, this year, thousands of yeshiva students, graduates of yeshivos ketanoh, participated in a preparation session organized especially for them in anticipation of their entering the halls of yeshivos gedolos. The session was headed by HaRav Gershon Eidelstein and HaRav Moshe Hillel Hirsch. Also presiding were: the Mashgiach HaRav Uri Weisblum; Rosh Yeshivas Bircas Efraim, HaRav David Hillel, and Rosh Yeshivas Imrei Moshe, HaRav Yehoshua Mishkovsky, all of whom gave guidance talks to the attending thousands of yeshiva students.
This special Seder Hachona briefing sponsored by Dirshu has turned into a annual tradition, through which graduates of yeshivos ketanos from Bnei Brak and all over the country are granted the opportunity to hear words of chizuk and preparation for the future from the mouths of our foremost roshei yeshivos and mashgichim as they are about to commence the new year with different study approaches which include high demands of self discipline on the part of the neophyte boys as they are initiated into the world of standard yeshivos where they are expected to grow spiritually as well.
The entire audience rose to its feet with the entry of HaRav Gershon Eidelstein, who is a steady participant each year, when he strode up to deliver his keynote message to fortify and guide the young beginners. He emphasized the vital need for the dual study of broad expertise in Torah (beki'us) as well as analytic acuity (iyun), explaining that the one without the other cannot lead to a straightforward and truthful grasp of the subject matter. "It is important for you to realize your tremendous privilege and merit," he said to the students. "Those who preoccupy themselves in Torah are providing great merit to Klal Yisroel. As is known, the entire world stands upon the merit of your Torah study.
"There is another aspect as well. It is known that greatness in Torah lies in intellectual inquiry, sevara, but it must be straightforward and clear thinking in depth. This requires things in a necessary order: one must first attain a broad knowledge in the whole expanse of Torah, for if beki'us is lacking, incisive theory cannot be valid and true. A broad knowledge provides a strong foundation for a healthy and proper understanding. It is very important to internalize this, especially for young students. There are students who have attained an encyclopedic knowledge of Shas without exerting undo effort. They conduct their lives normally but utilize their time to the utmost. Those who are not strict about making the most of their time will find themselves with much time going to waste. So make an effort to use your time as best you can and you will achieve a great deal and can grow to become Torah giants."