The original letter
Motzei Shabbos Kodesh Para 5778
To Bnei Yeshiva from Abroad who have acquired achievements in Torah and its study here in Eretz Yisroel.
It is known that one forbidden exposure can chas vesholom gnaw away at one's mind for the rest of one's life and plummet him to the bottomless abyss as is explained in Yerushalmi Chagigah. Therefore it is clear that one must be vigilant not to look at Internet which pollutes souls even through a chance look.
All the more so, the students from abroad who are within the very tumah of the land of the filthy nations, must make special efforts to distance yourselves as far as possible from any hint of this, and thereby they will merit good mates with whom to establish good homes, homes of Torah and pure yiras Shomayim.
[Signed] Chaim Kanievsky