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The First School for Autistic Children Opens in Bnei Brak
At a modest ceremony attended by rabbonim and public figures, a new school entitled "Ohr Chodosh" was dedicated.
Founded by the organization Shetillim, the school will provide a large range of services for children in the autistic spectrum. It is the first and only such school in the city geared to this [chareidi] public.
The well known educational figure, HaRav Moshe Blau, related: "I was once standing near to the Rosh Yeshiva when I heard one of his confidantes, HaRav A. Z., a recognized talmid chochom who was close to him, asking Maran to do something to help a bochur from a Chassidic family in Bnei Brak who had been arrested upon arrival in Israel for smuggling. He was asking the Rosh Yeshiva to request the President of Israel to release him at least for the Seder night.
Maran HaRav Shteinman zt"l Hardly Ate
After dozens of years during which Maran did not eat bread during the week but only on Shabbos and Yom Tov, it happened in 5773, when he was already approaching his hundredth year, that due to his weakness, the doctors felt that he should eat bread during the week as well.
Statement On President Trump Commuting Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin's Sentence
With a profound sense of appreciation, Agudath Israel of America gratefully welcomes the news of President Trump's commutation of the sentence of Sholom Rubashkin.
From Our Archives
False Identity
by P. Chovav
Summary of the First Part: They called him Leibel'e Leibidiker. Happy with his lot but sad, especially because he could not find a mate for his only daughter. One day just before Pesach, at the height of the cleaning, he slightly damaged the rented car of a tourist who, it turned out, did not know what shehakol meant, did not know what gezel was and most certainly did not know what it meant to be a Jew. Just about six months later, he found out that Hakodosh Boruch Hu makes matches -- and how, as you will see in this surprising conclusion.
Principles of Education
by HaRav Nosson Einfeld
More insights and thoughts on various aspects of chinuch from a veteran Torah educator.
Slave Turned King?
by L. Jungerman
"From prison he went forth to rule" (Koheles 4:14). Rashi explains that Koheles is referring to Yosef, who emerged from prison to rule over all of Egypt.
A Mission to
Spread Daas Torah
for the Best in Yiddishkeit
The Immorality
of Palestinian Combatants and Noncombatants