Rabbonim and educators are warning against a string of so-called educational projects which are seemingly innocent but actually dangerous, initiated by objectionable bodies. Their offensive objection is to inject adverse scholastic concepts in gathering data about weak students in order to steer them off to other educational frameworks and streams which are considered shatnez and kilayim grafting, so to speak, streams which had been forbidden by all of our Torah leaders.
In these past weeks, many parents throughout the country were privy to a seemingly innocent notification offering a course in English for boys given by women teachers. The advertisement,stating that these courses are being offering in chareidi neighborhoods, have already received inquiries from several hundred parents. A thorough investigation revealed that behind this initiative stand bodies which are exceptionally problematic and unfavorable. These are being offered by former chareidim who have changed their loyalties and now invest money and publicity to snare naive parents to send their children to their networks.
"Because we do not teach the Liba-Core curriculum, as was directed by our gedolei Yisrael," says HaRav Meir Kessler, mara de'asra of Kiryat Sefer and member of the Vaad HaRabbonim for Chinuch Affairs, "those ideologically unfit bodies seek to `help' our community to acquire English and to build up a data base of names with the intent of creating future contact with them for their own nefarious purposes."