N.Y. Recognizes Yeshiva Education as Equivalent to State Education
by M Plaut
The New York State 2018-19 budget, enacted on the first day of Pesach, includes a major new provision that has, for the first time, recognized that a yeshiva education develops the students intellectual abilities, including his or her ability to think critically, that is successfully.
Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel, Agudath Israel's Executive Vice President, explained that non public schools in New York are required by law to provide education that is "substantially equivalent" to what is offered in non public schools. In recent years, some anti-yeshiva activists, pointing to the relatively short programs of secular studies in many yeshivos, have claimed that yeshiva education fails to meet this legal standard, and have urged government to force yeshivos to change their entire curriculum.
The new budget includes a new provision in the state's Education Law addressing "substantial equivalency" in the yeshivas. The new law makes clear that any evaluation of a yeshiva's compliance with the law must include "the entirety of the [school's] curriculum" - i.e., limudei kodesh religious studies as well as limudei chol secular studies. Further, it must take into account whether the curriculum "provides academically rigorous instruction that develops critical thinking skills." These factors are present in abundance in yeshiva learning.
The new law identifies four core curriculum subjects that must be taught in yeshiva elementary schools: English, Mathematics, History and Science. At the high school level, the primary requirement is for academically rigorous instruction that develops critical thinking skills in students, the outcomes of which result in a "sound basic education."
This new provision in the law was due to the tenacious leadership of Senator Simcha Felder. Senator Felder worked closely with Agudath Israel and a number of leading rabbinic and lay yeshiva community leaders to craft legislation that recognizes the unique competence of yeshiva education.
The law also authorizes the State Education Commissioner to determine whether yeshivos are in compliance with the requirements. Agudath Israel has a close and longstanding relationship with the commissioner and the staff of the State Education Department, and looks forward to working together in the implementation of the new law.
Commented Rabbi Zwiebel: "We acknowledge that government has the right to ensure that children in all schools, including ours, receive a sound basic education that prepares them to function as productive citizens.
"What we take issue with is excessive government regulation or oversight that would require yeshivos to conform to the same curricular requirements as those used in the public schools. In order to carry out the fundamental religious mission for which they were created, yeshivos need to be given latitude in designing a rigorous academic program that differs from that offered in the public schools but nonetheless gives students the most important skills they need to be productive members of society.
"We think the Felder bill strikes an appropriate balance along those lines. Kudos to Senator Felder for his historic contribution to the ongoing development of the yeshiva community in New York."
Rabbi Yeruchim Silber, Agudah's Director of New York Government Relations and its chief representative in Albany, hailed the assistance of all those involved in the effort. "It is very gratifying working with the Agudah staff, board members and the many volunteers who trekked to Albany both at our March 6th mission as well as on a number of mini missions to convey our concerns to lawmakers. It is this combined effort that ensures our success," said Rabbi Silber.