In remarks at a special Yom Iyun of the Beis Medrash for Halacha in the Settlements, HaRav Gershon Edelstein said:
"Talmud Torah is like everything else together. The kedushoh of Torah is greater than all mitzvos. This depends of how much and how well one is connected to Torah. A person becomes more kodosh according to how thoroughly his head is attached to Torah, especially bein hazmanim, which is a time of weakness in Torah learning. There are yeshivas bein hazmanim, but it is not the same hasmodoh as during the zman, because there does not exist the framework and other elements which obligate everyone.
"The result is that whoever learns Torah bein hazmanim he fills in and completes what is missing. Of this it is said, "Eis la'asos leHashem, heifeiru Sorasecho." If others do not learn and he learns, he gets the reward of all. Meaning that he gets the reward that would have been due to all who would have learned. He achieves the madreigoh they would have achieved, even the madreigoh of the masses doing something.
"Therefore what one learns during bein hazmanim is very important. Some think that bein hazmanim is a time that one is not obligated to learn Torah. Truly there are some who need to rest for their health, but some go beyond what they really need and this is not right!
"There is no time off from Torah. On the contrary. Since there are some who experience weakness in their learning, whoever strengthens himself helps the entire world because Torah protects the entire world.
"It is very important to know the importance of the good deeds that we do. It is written that people do not know the importance of even one omein and how it benefits the upper worlds. Just one word! Omein that is said with a bit of kavonoh, how much benefit it brings and what it adds to the upper worlds. The same is with all good deeds that we do, and in particular learning Torah."