The Original Hebrew Letter
Shvat 5778
The Mishnah Berurah rules (1:12): "A person should establish a set time for the study of Mussar works each day, be it a little or a lot, for whoever is greater than his friend has a greater yetzer hora accordingly, and the antidote to the yetzer hora lies in the rebuke of Chazal." The Shaar Tziyon quotes from the Chayei Odom who wrote that Mussar study is more of an obligation than the study of mishnayos.
How worthy is the campaign of Orchos Yosher in expediting this ruling. They have been privileged to promote and increase the study of Mussar among us and are not commencing a program of the study of Chovos Halevovos each day.
Fortunate are those who toil in Torah and establish a regimen of a daily Mussar study. In merit thereof, they will surely succeed in elevating themselves in Torah and yiras Shomayim and be blessed in the all blessings stated in the Torah.
Nissim Karelitz
Chaim Kanievsky
Gershon Eidelstein
Shalom Cohen
Yitzchok Sheiner
Boruch Mordechai Ezrachi
Meir Tzvi Bergman
Boruch Dov Povarsky
Moshe Hillel Hirsch
Shimon Baadani
Moshe Yehuda Schlesinger
Yitzchok Zilberstein
David Cohen
Reuven Elbaz
Chaim Meir Halevi Wosner
Yaakov Hillel
It is know that my late father, the Admor, greatly encouraged the benefit lying in the study of Chovos Halevovos, and especially of making a cheshbon haneffesh. Indeed, the intensive study of Mussar works arouse a person to know what he is meant to do [in this world].
Yisroel of Vishnitz