The following are the instructions and comments left by Maran to be read after his petiroh. These were read at the levaya by HaRav Chizkiyohu Mishkovsky shlita.
See below for a picture of the original manuscript.
6 Tishrei, 5740, and I made an addendum at the end on 24 Marcheshvan, 5743
Several times I thought about it and wrote a will. The first time was in 5714 after three gedolei Yisroel passed away in a short time. Now I am again doing it for various reasons, and I changed what I wrote then. Yehu Rotzon that I will fix everything with teshuvoh shleimoh on the past and will be zoche to worship Him as He wills.
1. I urgently request that I not be eulogized, not at the funeral or otherwise. Do not organize any rallies of his'orerus or mourning gatherings, or any other public assemblies by any name you wish to call them with the intent to eulogize.
2. Do not write any article about me in the daily, weekly or monthly publications. Not to print my photo and nothing as is commonly done of my biography.
3. Do not print up announcements about the funeral, nor publicize it through loudspeakers or on the radio. Suffice it that there be ten men at the funeral.
4. Make every effort to perform the burial right after the death. To make every effort that the burial be close to the death.
5. My place in the cemetery is with simple people.
6. Do not write any titles upon my tombstone, only "Here lies buried Rabbi Aharon Yehuda Leib ben Rabbi Noach Tzvi Shteinman".
7. The tombstone should be most inexpensive and simple. Do not waste money on buying an expensive cemetery plot, rather let money be spent for tzedaka and not for the plot.
8. On days where it is customary to visit the grave after the shiva, the shloshim or on a yahrtzeit, let it be done hastily and not waste time over it. Better that shifts are organized for study around the clock and effort made not to speak unnecessarily.
If much study time is wasted over finding a minyan where one can lead the prayers before the amud, it is preferable to study leshem Shomayim during such time instead.
9. I request that whoever seeks my benefit should study one perek Mishnayos [daily] until the end of twelve months, and girls/women should recite ten pirkei Tehillim a day, also on Shabbos and Yom Tov.
10. My writing Torah and aggodoh, should not be published except for those that I reviewed myself and were ready for publication.
11. I ask not to be referred to by the praise of tzaddik or G-d-fearing, lest I be insulted in the World of Truth.
12. I hereby ask forgiveness from anyone to whom I showed lack of respect or anyone to whom I owe money and knows that I did not repay him and does not or will not request it by din - that he forgive me.
13. None of my descendants/family are to follow the funeral procession, as is the Yerushalmi custom.
Added on 24 Marcheshvan, 5743
Since many are mistaken about me, I therefore request that children are not named after me (though I do not forbid it).
I reviewed this on 5 Adar I 5755
An image of the orinigal tzva'ah in the handwriting of Rabbenu