Dei'ah Vedibur - Information &

A Window into the Chareidi World

26 Kislev 5778 - December 14, 2017 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly










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The Hesped of HaRav Gershon Eidelstein

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"We are speaking about spiritual matters, a spiritual life, spiritual success, fulfillment in this world, as he taught us. would that we enjoy contented lives in this world, aside from eternal life, since such a bliss does not exist in this world, but is a spiritual sun. We lack that sun; we lack that influence in the same way that the world cannot exist without the sun.

"We lack that and have no one who can fortify us.

"Another thing, the most important one, is the essential of a tzaddik living by his faith, for without emunah, a person is unfortunate, unhappy and lives a woeful life, suffering greatly. With emunah, a person is content, believing that everything is in the power of Heaven and everything is for a person's good. One should accept everything with love and [attempt to] understand what is good and what is the purpose of hardships. The Torah provides this; emunah provides this. All of his talks were aimed at strengthening emunah; he constantly reiterated this, stressing this faith. Through emunah, a person lives a real, meaningful life in the World to Come and a happy life in this world as well.

"Things that need reinforcement: yiras Shomayim, good character traits, radiating onto others. A person must fight against his nature for if he does not strengthen himself constantly, he is lacking, he will lack heavenly inspiration.

"The entire generation was influenced, indeed, the entire Jewish world was influenced and inspired and now we lack that motivation and stimulation of realizing what we can accomplish and what our mission is so that we can live a fulfilled life, a meaningful life in this world and the World to Come, each and every one of us. And we need fortification, a strong sense of this power.

"Each one of us is obligated to make an effort in all possible areas, to strengthen those things that need reinforcement, all the more so during the days of Chanukah when this is so important and so conducive thereof. Chanukah is a turbulent time; as if there is a study recess, a vacation, but this feeling is false and deceptive. Chanukah is a very propitious time for success in Torah study, a time advantageous for Torah advancement and one must utilize it to attain that accomplishment. Whoever does not exploit the days of Chanukah is missing out on an irretrievable opportunity which will not recur until next year. It begins today [Tuesday evening] with eight full days, days of successful reinforcement in Torah study.

"Each one of us must make a beginning, even a small one. Open up an aperture the size of a needle eye, and I shall open... May each one of use this time to grow, for every chizuk is a great achievement, unimaginable, even if it seems insignificant. When we are inspired to improve, at this moment of the levaya of a great man, we are also empowering him with merits, infinite merits accruing to him for this eternal life and the bliss therein. We wish to provide Rabbeinu with what we owe him and this chizuk is the best possible repayment to him, to whom we are so indebted.

"We accomplish this chessed through our reinforcement, and may we thus merit the complete and geula sheleima, speedily in our times, and may death be consumed forever with good tidings."


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