Cheshvan, 5778
We appeal to the tens of thousands of those who toil in Torah and its sons, yeshiva students who diligently pursue their studies in the sacred halls of their yeshivos and in kollelim, to review the simple and straightforward teachings of our Torah and its traditions, reminding them that it is the duty of all bnei Torah who revere His name, to strengthen the exalted prestige of our holy Torah by increasing and intensifying their study in the Torah halls through pure yiras Shomayim that stands forever, and to guard themselves exceedingly against being drawn into actions contrary to the spirit of Torah which lead to abandoning the source of living waters and cause the desecration of Hashem's Name in public and the abuse of the respect of Torah students and scholars. These [negative things] have lately been causing disturbances in [forums of] Torah dissemination and abuse of its disseminators. We must have pity on them and pray that the wayward return and repent.
We are hopeful that through fortifying ourselves in the study of Torah and Mussar that we be blessed with a pure spirit and actualize our purpose [in life] so that the world be permeated with knowledge of Hashem.
May it be His will that we merit enhancing Torah and exalting it.
Gershon Eidelstein Dov Landau Yitzchok Sheiner
Boruch Mordechai Ezrachi Meir Tzvi Bergman Boruch Dov Povarsky
Moshe Yehuda Schlesinger Moshe Hillel Hirsh David Cohen
Yerachmiel Ungarisher Yitzchok Ezrachi Yehoshua Eichenstein
Shlomo Englander Yitzchok Brettler Zev Berlin
Tzvi Drabkin Yitzchok Hacker Yisroel Meir Weiss
Boruch Weisbecker Nosson Zochovsky Aharon Chadash
Bezalel Toledano Zev W. Cohen Arye Leib Levi
Avraham Salim Yitzchok Ehrenfeld Aviezer Piltz
Betzalel Pinchasi
Moshe Mordechai Farbstein Elyokim G. Pashkes Avrohomo Yitzchok Hakohen Kook
Simcha Sheinberg
Original Hebrew Letter and a separate letter from HaRav Chaim Kanievsky shlita about protests at the shiur of a Rosh Yeshiva