Israel chalked up a brilliant diplomatic achievement with the dedication of the American embassy in Jerusalem, however, from a Yated Ne'eman investigation it appears that aside from the statement and the new sign, in effect, not much will have changed. Regarding the issuing of visas, most will still be issued in Tel Aviv. In addition, the hoped for exemption of the necessity for a visa to the U.S. is still far from actualization.
Residents of the Gush Dan area will continue to turn to the U.S. embassy in Tel Aviv after having filled out requests for visas. Jerusalemites, at least, will gain through the proximity of an embassy to their homes and will be able to process visas at the new embassy.
The U.S. embassy in the Arnona neighborhood in Jerusalem will be, at the first stage, little more than a symbolic work place. The ambassador and his staff members will have offices for meetings but the Americans, headed by Ambassador Friedman, explained at a press briefing that the transfer and ceremony which took place this past Monday was merely the beginning of a process which will stretch out for several years.
A mere fifty people will come to work in the embassy in Arnona, which in recent years served as a consular department providing services to Jerusalemites. Aside from this embassy, the U.S. will continued to make use of the veteran embassy in the historic building on Rechov Agron where the American consul resides, a place which dispensed visas and other services since 1844 up to 2003, and for which purpose the consular department was opened in Arnona.