Dei'ah Vedibur - Information &

A Window into the Chareidi World

4 Iyar 5778 - April 19, 2018 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly










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Campaign to Encourage Everyone to Join Areivim

By Y. Sheinfeld

In all Jewish communities there is a pronounced arousal to the call of Torah leaders to utilize these few days left of the annual Areivim week to join this project, especially through the come-on of lotteries of various prizes donated for the purpose of getting the public to join and to urge others to join. This lottery is being held for the new applicants and for present members who bring new members to Areivim.

Areivim is a kind of life insurance sponsored by a nonprofit tzedokoh institution. The basic system is that each family that joins agrees to contribute up to a small amount each month, depending on how many beneficiaries there were that month, and in return upon the death of a parent, each of the unmarried children receives a large sum to pay for their marriage. A similar program is available from the Vaad HaRabbonim of Jerusalem. There are separate programs for Israel and the USA.

When it started some interested parties and actuaries predicted that it would collapse. It started about 13 years ago and is so far continuing with success.

At his weekly shiur in the home of HaRav Chaim Kanievsky on Friday, HaRav Yitzchok Zilberstein spoke fervently about joining the Areivim. Among other things, he said, "Heaven has arranged matters that the week of the annual campaign to join Areivim is precisely the time of threats coming from Syria and Iran, our enemies who rise up to destroy us. However, the fact that so many of our brethren take the initiative in the areas of chessed and tzedokoh contributes to removing heavenly wrath so that those threats are deflected and transformed into blessing and good.

"Therefore, everyone is duty bound to immediately join this project. Every additional member adds merit which nullifies the threats and removes the fear in that Hashem turns the hearts of the enemy nations to feel benevolent towards the Jewish people."

And he added: "Indeed, very soon."

HaRav Chaim Kanievsky shlita wrote:

The matter of Areivim, instituted by the Kupat Ha'ir fund, is a big mitzvah, and obligates every person individually and his family to join and see that others join as well. Greater is the one who brings others to do so than one who does so for his own self.

Areivim obligates every person on his own account and for his family, but in addition, we have instituted a major amendment for the benefit of all Jewry whereby every chosson about to be married signs the forms of membership in being a partner in this major mitzvah undertaking.


There is a related but independent program in the US, at Areivim USA. For more information please contact: or by phone 1-866-727-3484.


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