A mass chizuk rally took place Motzei Shabbos VaYeitze in the Mishkan Shraga Beis Medrash in Ramot Alef, Jerusalem, against the Internet and other technological hazards. It was initiated and organized by the Rabbinical Conference to Strengthen the Walls of Religion and the beis haknesses council in the neighborhood.
The Internet Rally in Ramot

The event was opened by the Mara d'Asra HaRav Shlomo Neiman, Rav of Ramot, with the posuk, "`Remove the foreign gods from your midst and let us rise and ascend to Beis Kel.' The home of every Jew is holy and it is forbidden for it to contain even a possible connection to the network of sin. If a Rabbinical student (tzurba meiRabbonon) lives in a city, he is responsible for the city. The responsibility that this neighborhood be unpolluted does not lie only upon the Rav of the city but also on its young students."
HaRav Moshe Tzadka, Rosh Yeshivas Porat Yosef, stressed that this matter has aspects of pikuach nefesh. One who possesses a device which has possible access to forbidden sites, even if its owner does not use it for that purpose, is considered a sinner in Heaven, and will be called a rasha, since there is another way (Ikka darka acharina)."
The Mashgiach, HaRav Dan Segal, wept, "We find ourselves in a battle against the yetzer hora who wants to uproot everything and to get a foothold into the sanctuaries of the Torah public. In its attempts with all its might to trip up our elite talmidei chachomim, the best of the best, be it in action, speech, viewing or even thinking evil thoughts, it does more damage than Titus in his actions, as is well known from the Nefesh HaChaim Shaar Alef. Whoever guards himself from this is considered as one who consecrates his soul for Kiddush Hashem, for which he merits having miracles performed for him, which is a marvelous siyata deShmaya."
See the Letters sent by Maran HaRav Shteinman and Maran HaRav Kanievsky