HaRav Moshe Hillel Hirsch, Rosh Yeshivas Slobodka and Member of Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah on the Problems with Academic Studies
HaRav Hirsch shlita speaking

"A danger is inherent in all studies in a [secular] academic environment. We are not talking about some fine line but of severe matters... Distance yourself from this path because it is apikorsus. The gemara says that one must stay away from all heretical talk, even the most negligent. Any course given by a secular lecturer must necessarily cool off a person in his avodas Hashem. A father might say of his daughter that "she is very strong," but this is a grave mistake... Yeshiva students who excel in their study and prayer etc. might suddenly harbor questions in emunah, with no one from the outside being aware of it. The parents are sure that everything is alright with their son... And the same applies with the girls. If a lecturer does not believe in the oral Torah or that the written Torah is from Hashem, it will filter into the student, causing him to become lax in avodas Hashem and in mitzvah practice... And this can destroy the student altogether."