Israel rabbonim are very opposed to study in academic settings. This is especially relevant in the unique situation in Israel where advanced educational institutions are used as deliberate instruments to erode the cultural walls that chareidi society has erected in order to keep out the unwanted influences of modernity. As this series of articles had documented, the carrot of an advanced education is used to expose chareidim to teachers and classroom situations that will change their values. It is therefore not surprising that chareidi rabbonim in Israel are strongly opposed to these institutions.
Letter from HaRav Shalom Cohen, Rosh Yeshivat Porat Yosef and Head of Moetzet Hachmei HaTorah
HaRav Shalom Cohen

"Our Torah leaders were opposed to academic studies even in chareidi colleges since a good portion of the lecturers are university alumni and lack the Torah viewpoint which was inculcated in us. Similarly, the curriculum in colleges is based on research and scientific schools of thought which are contrary to the Torah! Therefore, it is inconceivable that our daughters go there for academic studies in any structure whatsoever, for this is not the way of Torah."
HaRav Dovid Cohen, Rosh Yeshivas Chevron and member of Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah:

HaRav Cohen speaking at a gathering on this topic last year
"How is it possible that our daughters be educated with the goal of being accepted into the best seminaries so as to guarantee the high quality of the future homes founded on loyalty to Hashem and His Torah, when only a few years later, we send them on to such places? Isn't this a complete contradiction? How can one build a house of Torah together with academic studies?"
HaRav Shmuel Yaakov Bornstein, Rosh Yeshivas Kiryat Melech:
"All academic institutions of any kind are the complete negation of the pure cruse of oil which distinguished our ancestors from the curse of Hellenic culture and customs. That cruse is the very underpinning of the continuity of Torah, and studies thereof resemble the abominations of the gentiles which should be treated with total rejection."
HaRav Aviezer Piltz, Rosh Yeshivas Tifrach
"It is explained in holy works that in the generation preceding the coming of Moshiach there will surface extremely challenging tests and only one who holds on tenaciously to a pure faith will be spared. The academic institutions are a conflagration to the soul and one must grasp on to the ways of our saintly fathers and mothers who established the path of chinuch for all times and shunned grazing in foreign fields."C