Our foremost poskim both from Jerusalem and Bnei Brak, R' Sariel Rosenberg; R' Shevach Tzvi Rosenblatt, R' Dovid Arye Morgenstern and R' Menachem Mendel Lubin have called upon the various Kashrus Committees to join the superlative supervision of Shearis Yisroel in their guidelines regarding inspection of the kosher signs of fish, one by one, a call joined as well by HaRav Chaim Kanievsky as follows:
The original Hebrew version of the letter.
Nisan 5777
We have already publicized our opinion, daas Torah, as accepted from our own rabbonim, that according to the Halacha, it is forbidden to eat fish which were not inspected scrupulously, fish by fish, for their kosher signs. One cannot rely on the fact that the majority are presumed to be kosher and that whoever was unable to inspect the fish in his home was at a loss what to do.
Now, Boruch Hashem, the mehadrin supervision of the Badatz Shearis Yisroel has managed to import fish which were supervised by trustworthy inspectors of this Badatz who checked every single fish for its kosher signs or in its whole state as is required.
We therefore wish to strengthen the hands of all those who are involved in removing a stumbling block from Jewish homes. With the help of Hashem, may this stringency lead to a reinforcement in kashrus and we hereby call upon other kashrus committees to join this.
Sariel Rosenberg
Shevach Tzvi Rosenblatt
Menachem Mendel Lubin
BS"D Nisan 5777, I also join. Chaim Kanievsky
It is clear that kashrus committees are obligated to organize a constant supervision of fish under their supervision so that the kosher signs be inspected fish by fish, and that they not rely on the inspection of the consumers themselves (especially since these are not always aware that the inspection is their responsibility, and this also applies to those species which are marketed without the presence of any mashgichim). It is important to reinforce a strict supervision therein and to buy only fish which were duly inspected for their kosher signs.
Dovid Arye Morgenstern