A new book of stories about the Kosel
Yes, it's the title of a new book, adapted from the Hebrew by yours truly, Sheindel Weinbach. If you guessed right, it's about the Kosel. True stories.
I got a bit of flak about the title. It didn't quite sit right with a few Israelis and Americans because of a negative connotation. You know: "It's like talking to the wall..."
Ah, but this Wall has ears. This Wall listens and even deciphers notes and names. And this is a Wall from which the very Shechina has never budged, even after the Churban.
You can talk to the Wall, and even if you're not standing in front of that wall, you can talk and pray wherever you are, in your own words — or the words established in the Divinely inspired text of our prayers — and know that Someone is listening.
The Kosel has always been a lodestone for Jews and non-Jews and a focus/locus for all prayers and hearts turning eastward. You'll find there a kaleidoscope of colors, skin-wise and exotic attire, and a medley of humanity there.
What draws them to the Kosel?
I happened to pick this book up at my public library in its Hebrew version and was enamored. It was sooo different, unique, otherworldly. It recaptured a mystique that swept you up in it and which you couldn't deny because the author experienced or heard these stories first hand.
The Hebrew author, Rabbi Dan Bloch, is a pragmatic man with a poetic soul and, while serving as Director of Religious Ceremonies at the Kosel for many years, was personally privy to many incredible stories.
For example: It's Erev Pesach, when someone alerts the Director that the many pigeons who home at the Kosel and hide crumbs among the crevices, might flick some chometz on innocent worshipers. It is too late to bring a crane and clean up.
Then, suddenly, all the pigeons fly at the Wall and whisk away all the crumbs from between the upper cracks and all that remains is for them to feast!
Admittedly, this only happened once, as far as he knows, but the other 33 stories are just as fascinating.
This book is a self-published venture. I badly (rather, goodly) wanted to see this book in print and accessible to every pocket. First of all, it's a soft cover. Second of all, the editing and translation are not factored into the low cost of the book by also circumventing big time advertising and distribution.
So how can I move this book? I am actually waiting for the miracle, but working on it as well. My idea was to `sell' the book as a small classified ad:
Family Simchas / Institutional Dinners:
Personalize with an inexpensive soft cover book-souvenir
"Talk to the Wall" - English Adaptation by Sheindel Weinbach
34 true Kosel stories
Orders: 02-5372303 / sheindy@bezeqint.net
I must admit that I experienced a small miracle already. I paid someone who lays out books by shuls and leaves a small pushke with a price. It's on an honor basis. He charges the author a flat fee and I can't say I made a profit, but I got an order from a foreign distributor and also a bid from a publisher who was gung-ho on redoing the whole book in hard cover. I accepted the first and turned down the second.
So, Dear Kosel, hear my plea and make this book a success, for your sake, for my sake, and for the sake of all you people who stand to benefit and be inspired by Hashgacha Pratis and power-of-prayer true stories.