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The Chofetz Chaim and HaRav Abramsky: HaRav Abramsky's Dream #2
24 Elul-September 15 is the yahrtzeit of both the Chofetz Chaim and HaRav Yechezkel Abramsky. These two gedolei Yisroel were also linked in life in a famous incident. Now, some additional color has been added.
From Our Archives
The Torah's Advice: How To Arouse Oneself To Teshuvah
HaRav Emanuel Toledano
Part II
In the first part, HaRav Toledano explained that the parshias at the end of sefer Devorim, including the tochecho of Ki Sovo and the strong words of Nitzovim-Vayeilech, which are often read before Rosh Hashanah (like this year) are preparation for the yomim noraim and should stimulate us to teshuvah. The Torah stresses that what happens to us is a result of what we do, and this was all dramatically borne out in the difficult years of the Nazi Holocaust.
All of Israel are Collectively Responsible
by L. Jungerman
"The hidden things are unto Hashem our G-d, and the revealed ones are for us and our children forever after." Rashi explains: "And if you ask: What can we do if You punish the community for the [sinful] thoughts of an individual? [The answer is that] I will only punish you for the revealed things, and if no judgment was passed on them, the community will see to it. But He did not punish them even for the overt sins, in any case, until they crossed the Jordan and became mutually responsible for one another."
A Mission to
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for the Best in Yiddishkeit
The Immorality
of Palestinian Combatants and Noncombatants