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This Google Custom Search looks only in this website. The Conference of European Rabbis Will only Recognize Conversions in Rabbinical Courts
Purity, Not a Degree — Answers about Academic Study in Israel
Almost 20,000 high school girls took part in a kennes held in Jerusalem's Arena and in broadcast locations around the country. The main message of the rabbonim was that girls should stick to the established chinuch institutions for their education. Among the warnings about straying from the established derech was also the announcement that the rabbonim are working hard to find paths to parnossoh in a kosher way for the many thousands of young women who are the mainstays of their Torah homes.
Because of a technical glitch last week, we are reposting this article
Rain and Kinneret Watch
Our weekly report of the rain and the level of the Kineret.
From Our Archives
In Those Days at This Time
by HaRav Aharon Y. Leib Shteinman
HaRav Shteinman made an inspiring visit last year to Ramat HaSharon when he came to strengthen the Torah chinuch institutions founded many years ago and developed by the moro de'asra HaRav Yaakov Edelstein, who carries the responsibility for the expansion of Torah study in the capital of the Sharon.
Chanukah - Lehodos Ulehallel - to Give Thanks and Praise
by HaRav Tzvi (Hirsch) Zev Paley zt'l
Chazal established the eight days of Chanukah for thanksgiving and praise to "Your great name." Another feature established by Chazal for this festival is the commemoration of the miracle, pirsumei nissa, by lighting the Chanukah candles. They dwelt extensively upon this mitzvah.
A Mission to
Spread Daas Torah
for the Best in Yiddishkeit
The Immorality
of Palestinian Combatants and Noncombatants