The Tombstone of HaRav Eliashiv on Har Hamenuchos

Commemorative gatherings and central chizuk rallies are taking place these days throughout the Jewish world marking five years since the eclipse of our guiding light, HaRav Yosef Shalom Eliashiv, who illuminated the world with his Torah and halachic rulings. In all of these assemblies, our Torah leaders and rabbonim seek to arouse the public in their duty to follow in his footsteps and his teachings. Many of these gatherings also combine the celebration of siyumim haShas of tractates studied during the course of the year for the soul of Rabbenu, whose fifth yahrtzeit falls on Shabbos parshas Mattos-Masei, the 28th of Tammuz.
These memorial gatherings are taking place in yeshivos and kollelim, chadorim and educational institutions, with the various rabbonim arousing the participants regarding the duty to reinforce each and every one in toil for Torah, especially in the light [or darkness] of the tremendous spiritual void which was left by the passing of Maran, so that each one continue treading the path he blazed in his pure Torah study and exemplary conduct.
Many of these rallies are also celebrating the completion of tractates in Shas studied by the attending yeshiva and kollel students primarily for the elevation of Maran's pure and exalted soul, while stressing ongoing, uninterrupted study sessions as was exemplified by Maran himself, who toiled in Torah day and night. At all of these memorial events, the participants are being urged to reinforce themselves, their yeshivos and the world at large, following the example set by Maran who devoted himself totally to this end in the hope that truly, the fortresses of Torah and Jewish education be greatly strengthened.