HaRav Dovid Cohen addressing the meeting
The thirtieth convention of the Conference of European Rabbis (CER) was opened this Monday in Amsterdam under the title of "The Function of the Rabbi in the Chinuch and Outreach of his Congregation." The convention is also dealing with the subjects of shechita, Jewish genealogy and other issues of the day.
Three hundred of the foremost rabbis of countries and cities throughout Europe, as well as dayanim and heads of Jewish organizations from thirty-four counties, are participating in this conference, taking place in the Novotel Hotel in central Amsterdam.
The Conference president, Rav and Av Beis Din of Moscow, HaRav Pinchos Goldschmidt, discussed the current problems and challenges of these times, addressing the necessary stand for Jewish rights on this continent. "The rabbonim, who are the spearhead, have a pivotal mission in these times. We must equip ourselves with the necessary tools, pragmatically and spiritually, in order to fortify the Torah and chessed institutions, and to deepen the bonds to the community. We must also cement the protection of Jewish institutions in conjunction with the various governments."
The pure memory of the amazing Rav Moshe Shapira was evoked. He was a figure whose door was always open for consultation and guidance in Outreach matters, and whose inspiration was the initiator of this Conference, whose main theme is "The rabbi as an educator and outreach figure". The rabbinical director of the Conference and Rosh Yeshiva of Toras Chaim in Moscow, HaRav Moshe Lebel, delivered the keynote address.
The first shiur of this thirtieth convention was delivered by the Israeli Chief Rabbi and President of the Council of the Chief Rabbinate, HaRav David Lau, on the topic, "Halachic Determination Concurrent with Successful Counsel from Many." The central assembly chaired by the Chairman of the ongoing body of the Council of European Rabbis, Av Beis Din of London, HaRav Menachem Gelli, was devoted to the lecture of the guest of honor from Israel, Rosh Yeshivas Chevron, HaRav David Cohen.
A working meeting of the rabbonim

His lecture was built upon Halacha, and his words honed the teachings of Torah leaders. "One cannot draw [others] to Yiddishkeit without a connection to Torah." Rashi relates to the phrase of "...the souls they made in Charan," that "The wise one takes souls..." Community rabbis are obligated to know that they must not give up on any Jew and let him fall by the wayside, but this must only be done through Torah. It is imperative to draw the youth closer since the alternative is horrendous. Following this important message, he went on to expound in a riveting give-and-take in Halacha and Mussar.
Letter of Maranan Verabonon Gedolei Yisroel Shlita
To the Honored Rabbonim, Members of the Council of European Rabbis Gathering in Amsterdam:
Shlomchem yisgei me'od.
Since the existence of Klal Yisroel is through Torah, the main job of the responsible rabbis is to make sure that the Das is observed properly in their communities. Also to be mekarev those who are distant from their Father in Heaven to a life of Torah and mitzvos. The way to draw people close to Torah is by learning Torah, that the enlightenment within brings them to the Good.
Therefore it is proper that everyone should found in his community a place for Torah and shiurei Torah for all members of his community. [We say this since] In every place in which Torah increases, the sons return to their heritage. There is also great importance in establishing shiurim for women on topics appropriate for them and their goal as kosher Jewish women who are the central pillar of the Jewish home and they have the power to change the character of the home. Thereby each community will grow.
You should also unite as one with one heart to establish all the communities upon the foundations of pure Torah and halochoh, that are the province of Beis Din kovu'a vechoshuv, and not in any other way for there are many pitfalls. And therefore you must stand vigilant of the Kerem Beis Yisroel and the halochoh and Tradition, and not to change from the Tradition even a hairsbreadth. Only a life of Torah and halochoh guarantees that the community will be built, and the perpetuation of Jewish generations in periods of difficulties and challenges.
May Hashem grant that your actions as one with one heart will cause the light of Torah to shine from your communities, and the desire of Hashem should succeed in your power, lehagdil Torah ileha'adirah.
Y. Gershon Edelstein
Chaim Kanievsky