Several weeks ago the Jewish world was informed of the painful issue with Yemenite children in its most recent version: 5777. Twenty-seven Yemenite immigrant families, recently arrived in Israel from their ancestral home, found themselves in severe spiritual danger in their absorption arrangements, which could have had repercussions for all their future generations.
In a special gathering in the home of HaRav Chaim Kanievsky, gedolei Yisrael determined that the only way to ensure their spiritual safety was by removing them from the government absorption center. In order to do this it was necessary to raise enough money to procure permanent housing for the families in a religious area. Even after locating areas that are relatively low cost, the aggregate sums were substantial.
The weighty project was laid at the doorstep of the Kupat Ha'ir fund. Many people wondered and marveled at the fund's colossal undertaking of such an expensive project when there are so many other pressing public and private needs which the Kupah addresses and is very hard pressed to meet, as it is. But the Kupah bowed its head and trusted the long arm of our Torah leaders and had no doubts or questions about undertaking this feat. The project was duly launched.
Even the Kupah, upon whose shoulders rest the problems of our pathetic generation 365 days a year, did not anticipate the fire which was ignited. A spiritual blaze erupted in full force throughout Jewish enclaves throughout the world, in every kollel and every workplace, in each city and chareidi neighborhood in the land.
Torah Jewry held its breath in anxiety, out of a deep sense of responsibility for the fate of the 107 Yemenite children. The subject became the talk of the day, but no less important was the fact that chareidi families tightened their belts in doubling their ma'aser to chomesh, and wonder of wonders, the supreme joint effort bore fruit and the sum was raised!
In an exemplary chapter of Kiddush Hashem, the chareidi public established the fact that it will not let a painful history dating back to the establishment of the State repeat itself. The doubling of strength was exerted and with the massive joint effort, the goal was duly achieved with pronounced Heavenly assistance.
In the merit of this amazing mobilization, there was no impediment in launching the practical aspect of rescuing the families from the absorption center. In these past weeks and in these very days, the process of buying apartments for them through great caution in making the best use of public funds and also selecting sheltered and suitable environments for these families, the rescue project is in operation through very thorough efforts to save the 107 Yemenite children in 25 families.